Jicarilla Fishing Blog
March 24th, 2025
The first day of spring is behind us.
- All three docks are out at Mundo
- Surafce water temp is around mid-forties
- Mundo Lake Campground remains closed for renovation, we hope to have an announcement for grand opening some time soon. The bathroom is open for foot access
- Gate at Enbom is locked during renovation and heavy equipment and traffic is occuring most working days
- No fishing reports have been submitted
- Leaving your boat trailer in the water when you fish is very inconsiderate and also bad for the lake (not to mention your trailer bairings). Starting April 1st blocking a launching area or leaving a trailer in the water is a ticketable offense and will be strictly enforced
- New fishing season starts April 1st. New rules, read up to avoid tickets
- All lakes are low due to poor winter condtions no run-off is anticipated
- On-Line permit system will be down to update to 2025-2026 permits throughout this week. If you would like a 2024-2025 permit they are still available in the JGFD main office
March 10th, 2025
Quick update anglers are starting to poke around. Only one report was submitted from a local angler. The young lad indicated balanced leeches and conehead buggers in (black and red) to be fishing well and certain times of the day, as were silver and green spoons. Rumors are indicating slower fishing with low water temps, but who knows.
We are planning to start selling new 2025-2026 Fish Season permits starting the last week of the month as daily permits are still quite popular for this season.
If you are chomping at the bit for the new season please review the 2025-2026 Fishing Proclamation which has some significant changes you may want to to aware of.
March 3rd, 2025
Quick update. All ice is off the lakes as of this weekend. Winter is returning this week, but I'm doubtful there will be significant ice development.
We will be transitioning to selling the new 2025-2026 Fishing permits near the end of the month. I'll keep you posted.
The new proclamation has been released so you all can start reviewing it.
Some folks went fishing this weekend but no reports have been submitted.
February 20th, 2025
Just a quick update. We are officially in the "inbetween" season. Not enough ice to stand on, but not enough open water to fish the right way on either.
I have been getting quite a few calls and it is essential for me to return your call that you leave me your phone number (I'm looking at you Hermie...)
Work will be starting at Enbom Lake in the upcoming weeks so be forewarned there will be extensive closures of the lake and recreational area throughout construction.
The 2025-2026 Fishing Proclamation should be released in the next few weeks and shortly after that online permits for the new season will become available. BUT NOT YET.
February 10th, 2025
February 5th, 2025
Just starting to realize this is the worst winter in my time here. Today is day two of over 55 degree high temps and barely below or at freezing lows. The truck said 58 degrees today when the ice was checked... The Fish Crew is recommending no ice travel. We are also very concerned about how the spring and summer are going to fair if it doesn't start snowing soon.
Ice sheets are starting to seperate from shore, there is open water at all lakes, and ice sheets are deteriorating rapidly. The weatherman is calling for high temperatures for Thursday and Friday with chances of high wind. Wind with disconnected sheets is a recipe for disaster. Ducks are back at Stone.
Below are a few photos from this afternoon:
February 3rd, 2025
Kind of a roller coaster the last few days. Ice sheets are in decline as we checked the sheets today it was 64 degrees outside... All sheets lost thickness over the weekend.
Stone Lake: 5" at the south ramp with 1/2" of slush/water on top of the sheet. Large pressure ridges are expanding through the middle of the lake. No snow on the sheet.
Embom Lake: 4" air pockets in ice sheet extensive. 1/2" Slush/water on the sheet.
Mundo Lake: 8" with 1/2" of slush/water on top of the sheet. Water gathering in low spots, and edges becoming rough.
If these unseasonable warm conditions continue there could be inches of slush and water on all sheets by mid week.
January 30th, 2025
Just a quick update:
A few fishing reports were submited which is super cool. Fish between 14-23" were reported which seems pretty good to me. Jigs, cheese, wax worms, the normal stuff. Even a few catfish were caught which is neat, and they make great fish tacos.
Yesterday we got some snow which has made a bit of a mess with the roads, school was canceled regionally today. Some large pressure ridges at Mundo and Stone lake have popped up. Use extra high caution and avoid ridged areas.
January 27th, 2025
Lots of ice anglers out and about, but no reports have been submitted from over the weekend. Last week there were dozens of 20 plus inch fish caught which is pretty neat, many of which were over 21". It would be cool if folks submitted reports with some photos, who knows maybe you'd win a prize.
Mundo: 8-9" of ice on the north west side of the lake, most snow has been blown off so it is very slick in spots. The south east corner of open water from last week has closed, but use extra caution.
Embom: 4-6" of ice lots of cloudy ice with many air pockets
Stone: 90% of the lake is frozen with open water moving about a little. Pressure ridges abound. 4-5".
January 21st, 2025
Quite cold this morning, but really no precipitation.
Last week we still had open water at Mundo which is now capped but the recently closed area (east side and south corner) are probably very thin. Boat ramp area has 4-6" of ice, pretty variable especially as you head east on the sheet.
Stone as seen in last weeks reports is very variable large pressure ridges and some open water with a few of the unluckiest ducks around. Very sketchy 3-4".
Embom 1-2" of highly unstable weak ice, pressure ridges, air pockets and cloudy. All the things you do not want to walk on.
Ice fishing is very dangerous. All fishing on the Nation is use at your own risk.
January 13th, 2025
Winter like weather this morning, but now it is 45 and sunny. Strange times. High wind last week really didn't help the ice sheets forming many large pressure ridges. See photo of Stone lake below from this morning. Still quite a large assortment of water fowl enjoying the open water. Hopefully the weather forecast is correct and colder temperatures are headed this way. Sadly it seems the greater region is suffering from sketchy non-fishable conditions.
We will update the blog as conditions change, but this morning things are not looking promising.
January 8th, 2025
Happy New Year,
Ice closed signs remain up. Open water at all lakes especially during afternoon warming, edges are very soft and pressure ridging throughout all sheets.
Hope you all had a great holiday season and are ready for the new year.
Fish Crew will keep you updated on conditions but it appears ice conditions are not improving this week.
December 30th, 2024
For the fish blog entry update of 2024 I wish I had better news, but the ice still isn't anywhere near fishable yet. Photos are from this morning. Open water at all lakes and very poor ice sheet development all around. On a side note some ambitious person could hand launch a boat into Stone and probably do amazing things.
Happy New Year from the Fish Crew!
December 28th, 2024
Just a quick update. no ice fishing yet. Bad Ice and open water everywhere still. The better half of the Fish Crew went out and took some photos to help you understand how poor the conditions are currently.
Happy New Year! We will update the blog as soon as new information is available
All photos are from this afternoon. Mundo, Stone, and then Embom:
December 17th, 2024
Quick update:
If anything we have lost a little bit of ice this week with the warm day time temperatures.
Coverage at all lakes is about 90% or so depending on the time of day.
Over the holiday the Fish Crew will update the ice reports weekly if not a little more frequently as we get closer to fishing season.
Hope all is well,
December 11th, 2024
Some quick updates. This morning on the drive in the temperature was -1F. Which is cold, cold enough to leave a sheet of ice completely over Embom, 90% of Stone, and 90% of Mundo at 2:00 this afternoon.
The Fish Crew put out ice safety signs today. It is not ice fishing season, but open water season is done...(weather depending of course).
As always as we know things we will let you know them.
December 2nd, 2024
No angler reports have been submitted. Fish Crew has seen many folks with stacks of 20 inch fish and one fish from Stone over 25". It's disappointing with the amount of anglers coming to visit that no one is submitting reports, we'll keep you updated on ice conditions and other tidbits. We know the fish are good. NO ICE FISHING AS OF YET, but...
Stone is 80% covered in sheet ice as of this morning, some thawing could occur if temperatures stay high. Embom is 100% covered in sheet ice. Mundo as of this morning (see below):
Hope you all had a great turkey day holiday.
November 20th, 2024
Quick updates:
Very cold and windy. This morning on the drive to work it was 5 degrees.
Thin sheet of ice especially around the edges of the lake possible, as winter sets in. No it isn't ice fishing season, but expect the potential for icing to increase daily...
Our lucky prize winner for the best fishing report won a $100.00 gift card to our friends at Los Pinos Fly and Tackle. The anglers report indicated their catch, the conditions at the lake, count of fisherman at the lake and other useful information. It also included a perspective and comment about his three decades fishing our ponds which is always neat to hear. Light competition very few anglers have been submitting reports...
Silly no one has been fishing Stone.
Over the weekend one angler noted slow fishing, but according to the angler "Managed 2 fish to the net, both were huge. Each fish was well over 20”. (photo below)
November 15th, 2024
The weather has been a mixed bag, but night time temperatures are getting into the low teens pretty regularly. Some end of season updates include the following:
-Docks at Mundo have been put up for the season
-Construction activities continue at Mundo, expect heavy truck traffic and equipment for the next few weeks. Campground remains closed.
-Embom gate will be locked when road conditions indicate, most likely in the next few weeks.
-Easy limits from shore anglers using all manner of techniques
-One angler indicated this is the most 21-23" trout he has ever hooked in a single season at Mundo. One day he said he landed three or four and lost a half dozen or so more than 21".
November 4th, 2024
Quite the winterwonder land today! Let it snow until May '25.
At least ten boats on Saturday and only one report...So that person gets a sweet prize. Best Fishing report submitted (as judged by The Fish Crew) in the next two weeks wins a prize. E-mail reports to jicarillafishqs@gmail.com
The roads are all going to be wet and muddy. Please be kind to them, we can spend our time doing fisheries work or repairing roads.
I would imagine Enbom is fishing slow. Stone should be amazing fishing but very low, quite a few bald eagles soaring around it this morning in the snow. A hand launch-able boat is probably needed. But a fly and bubble angler was getting bites from shore last week.
Go fishing.
October 30th, 2024
Easy limits as usual. Rain and snow flurries today, which is cool but beware of the mud.
Camping area at Mundo remains under renovation.
One report indicated many fish at Mundo between 10-15" with multiple "really, really nice size fish". Not sure exactly what that means in inches, but I'm guessing 23" or thereabouts. One angler from way down south told me yesterday that a few months ago the fishing wasn't great with only a few 20" plus fish caught near dark, but that isn't crazy helpful. There are more 20" plus fish here than anywhere in the state, and even a blind squirrel...
Submit the best report (as judged by The Fish Crew) in the next three weeks and win a prize. Ask anyone, we give nice prizes. E-mail reports to jicarillafishqs@gmail.com.
If you'd like to fish this year's remaining open water season it's kind of right now.
Best of luck wherever you go.
October 21st, 2024
The road from J-8 to the spillway at Mundo is open. The campground remains under renovation. Heavy construction traffic and equipment use is expected to be ongoing for the next four weeks (estimated, weather dependent). Construction and finishing touches are by no means complete, so we are asking everyone to have patience and be mindful of workers and their work.
Driving very slowly will help keep the road in good shape for longer. Washer boards are formed from folks driving faster than a road is built for...
One report submitted from a little over a week ago indicated slow fishing at Embom and Stone and 14-16" trout at Mundo.
I'd think fishing before winter really sets in would be a good idea.
October 7th, 2024
What a weird fall. I got quite the tan for October this weekend. Morning water temps are in the high fifties and warming 5-10 degrees during the day.
The Road at Mundo and Camping is still closed while being renovated. The next two weeks expect heavy truck traffic and noise and a lot of material is being brought in to improve the road. The lake is open with access from the east side. The Spillway is closed to vehicle access but walk in access is open.
September 26th, 2024
September 9th, 2024
The weather sure has been fun lately. Crazy hot, super windy, cold, warm, raining, hailing, hot... Been a real roller coaster of a year thus far. Lakes are low and weedy as is usual by the end of summer, just hoping for a great winter to replenish what summer takes. Despite the fortunate weather we are still in a significant water deficit.
As part of improvements the Fish Crew installed some Monofilament recycling stations at Mundo and Embom today. They are for Monofilament, not trash or braid. Do your part and recycle.
Water temps are just beginning to decline but are still high. I would suspect below 65 degree day time water temps to be here in the next few weeks. All lakes were in the mid-sixties at eight in the morning and obviously peaking higher during the afternoon.
Work on Mundo is moving forward. The road to the spillway remains closed, but you can still access the lake on the east side.
This weekend is Go-Jii-Ya so do not be surprised by increased traffic on J-8 and especially around Stone Lake.
August 22nd, 2024 Update
The Mundo Lake access road (to the spillway) will be closed starting August 29th and will remain closed for approximately 4 weeks while crews are working on improvements to the road. The lake will remain open to fishing but vehicle access will be limited to the east side of the lake. Please be cautious of increased truck and equipment traffic in the area.
The Department is excited as the project is moving forward on schedule.
As always the Fish Crew will keep you updated as relevant information is available.
August 19th, 2024
Mr. Joseph Vigil Winner of the photo contest and his winning photo at Stone Lake.
August 8th, 2024
Quite the fun summer and almost rounding the corner into autumn, but not quite. Monsoon is in full effect with crazy rain, lighting and flooding. Many dirt roads will be impassable until it dries out. Highs in the 90's have been kind of a bummer for working, but all projects are moving along on schedule. The Mundo Camping area is still closed as construction has begun in earnest. The main access road to the spillway will be resurfaced which will require the access to the spillway be closed to public access when the that phase begins. Not yet, and of course we'll announce that here.
Mr. Joseph Vigil was selected as the winner of our photo contest. He submitted a great photo from his youth at Stone Lake.
Stay tuned for more contests as the year progresses, you never know what we'll come up with next.
No reports have been submitted.
Hope all is well,
July 18th, 2024
As promised Mundo Lake camping area will be closed to public access starting July 22nd and is anticipated to be closed for approximately 6 weeks.
This closure is to allow construction crews to renovate the camping area.
Further closures will be announced as the project progresses.
No reports have been submitted.
July 10th, 2024
Some quick updates: Little Beaver Weekend is July 19-21st and is probably going to be pretty darn busy. Lots of fun activities around town including every country boy's favorite, mud bogging. Our office will be closed July 19th in honor of Jicarilla Warriors Day.
Speaking with an angler the other day they mentioned seeing some suspicious angling activities, or maybe it was an emergency and they were unsure what to do. In cases such as these please Call Dulce Dispatch at 1(575) 759-3222. They can dispatch the appropriate law enforcement, medical, or fire staff. It is important to report violations when they are occuring, any tips leading to convictions may also bring a healthy reward.
Monday is the last day to submit historical photos of fishing the Jicarilla. I know there are some big fish photos from Dulce, La Jara, or elsewhere floating around and we'd love to see them. These are old photos we are looking for scanned from polaroids, etc. A winner will be selected by the Fish Crew for an awesome prize package.
Weeds are coming up, time to start thinking about transitioning from sinkers to bobbers. Water temperatures are high consider limiting catch and release angling or targeting warm water fish.
Consider submitting a fishing report if you like seeing new content on the blog. Despite the rumours the Fish Crew doesn't get to fish in the traditional sense all the time. Your reports make the blog possible.
July 8th, 2024
Based on the photos going around the internet the Fish Crew's thoughts on catch and release fishing when water temps are above 68 degrees seem to be going unheeded. Which really is a shame. I know most folks know more about fish and fishing than the Fish Crew, since they tell me that all the time but AI search bots even agree with me this time.
You have a few more days to submit photos for the contest. Photos due July 15th.
No reports have been submitted.
Return to the office (28June2024)
The Fish Crew is now whole again, but one of us has a significant limp. Vacations can be hard on a guy. We have not recieved many entries to our giveway so please submit your historical photos of fishing the Jicarilla soon!
In our absence summer and somehow monsoon has hit with full steam. Lake tempertures are well past the safe and ethical catch and release zone. around 70 surface temp.
With the warmer temperatures aquatic vegetation growth is becoming obvious.
No fishing reports have been submitted.
Just normal summer stuff.
1/2 Fish Crew Leave
This half of the fish crew is going on a long and some what needed boat ride and will not be around for the next two weeks so there will not be any updates until the last week of June.
The fire ban is still in effect, only propane stoves and grills are allowed.
Construction of the Mundo Lake Recreational Improvement Project will begin in July so plan for partial closures of camping facilities starting at the beginning of July 2024. Closures will be announced as the schedule for mobilization and groundbreaking is finalized.
I would like to take this time to remind folks, especially our catch and release trout anglers that water temperatures are beginning to rise and will soon be at the 65-68 degree danger zone. If you value your catch and release ethics and big trout these are the temperatures that warrant targeting warm water species or finding cooler locals to fish. Just because a fish "swam away strong" does not mean that it has a high survival post release, you'd swim away strong too if you just got off the hook. There are a myriad of environmental aspects that negatively impact trout survival as temperatures increase including pH, and lower dissolved oxygen. Carry a thermometer, it's a good piece of kit every angler should use.
In this down time of the blog we are starting a new competitive give away. Submit your best historical picture of one of the jicarilla lakes and be entered into a chance to win a prize package. It is a fantastic prize package. Think polaroids you'll have to scan of your Nonna with the Horse Lake monster from the 1970s and the like. The entries will be judged by the Fish Crew and a winner selected Mid-July. ENTRIES MUST BE SUBMITTED TO jicarillafishqs@gmail.com by July 16th.
Let us all protect our resources and enjoy the summer.
Mundo Spillway Closure
FYI Mundo Lake spillway will be closed Thursday June 6th, 2024. THIS THURSDAY. The JGFD is holding its annual youth education program this week and Thursdays events will be held at the spillway. The lake is still open to fishing but there will be a couple hundred kids and chaperons running around. This would be a great day to try one of the other lakes. Event ends a 2:00 (ish) and as soon as everything is cleaned up the spillway will be open again to the public.
May 30th, 2024
Getting great reports, easy fishing for the most and largest fish in the 4 corners. Some folks seem to be forgetful of the Proclamation at times. Know the limits and read the regulations. A lot of tickets for simple violations are being written. Save yourself and the warden the hassle and follow the rules.
We are still under a fire ban at the camping areas and lakes. Propane only for cooking. Please be very careful as we are having red flag days and there is quite a bit of smoke in the air already from fires around the state.
Mundo Update: Our contractors are surveying for Mundo Lake improvement over the next few weeks and we are planning on a July closure to the camping facilities first followed by a closure of the road to the spillway. We will keep you all updated as the plans become more refined.
Enjoy your weekend!
May 20th, 2024
A few minor reports were submitted, but if you're waiting for reports you are already missing the best fishing in the Southwest.
All three lakes are cranking out 20 plus inch trout with almost humorous consistency, even beginners from Facebook are landing 25's. The folks online trying to act like they discovered us are pretty neat to see. Watching them realize we are one of the 50 best stillwaters in North America for a reason.
Cold snaps hopefully will keep us in good catch and release water temperatures for a little bit longer.
Best of luck.
April 30th, 2024
Nothing really new to report, fishing is still the best in the southwest. Fish over 22" being captured with an almost comical consistency.
Only one report was submitted from Mundo lake that said smaller fish were really interested in small mayfly imitations. Maybe what they say is true, this is not the quality waters and big fish eat big flies? If you are a catch and release person, this isn't 5x country, 3x is closer to minimum ethical. If you are a boater make sure your craft is safe and properly inflated before launching, also make sure it was cleaned, drained and dried before bringing it to the Nation to limit the spread of invasive species.
We are noticing with great fishing comes many anglers and we would like to remind folks fishing is fun and fishing this awesome isn't going to be your little secret. Be polite and courteous to all. Do not leave trailers in the lake while you fish, do not block ramps, be a good steward of our resources and kind to each other. The common sense rules like giving other anglers a wide berth and pack it in pack it out all still apply.
April 22nd, 2024
Been selling permits like it is going out of style. Dozens of anglers at each lake over the weekend. I assume the amount of permits have to do with the quality of fishing. Hard to tell as no fishing reports have been submitted, but I doubt everyone came out of the wood work for no good reason. Easy fishing as always.
Submit reports to jicarillafishqs@gmail.com, who knows maybe you could win something.
Water temps are on the rise very early with the weather and summer isn't going to be friendly if the long term reports are to be believed. Winter was dissapointing and very little run off occured. Maybe we will have a cold summer and an active monsoon.
Hold over fishing has been great.
April 15th, 2024
Many fish being caught. Two anglers reported float tube fishing as being exceptional with at least a dozen fish between 18-26" being caught and released this weekend. That's right folks I said twenty six inches. based on what I've been seeing on the fishing pages that makes us cranking out the most consistent big fish anywhere around. Even novice anglers from shore are reporting 20 plus inch monsters with consistency. Amazing hold over fish, and fishing. Should only get better until it gets too warm.
Brown and black buggers, shallow. Eggsucking buggers etc. If they can do it, you can too!
Lots of photo's floating around the internet with our fish, folkings trying to keep it a secret.
April 10th, 2024
After a week absence for training the Fish Crew is back out and about.
Some Updates:
-Mundo Camping area gate is OPEN
-Enbom Lake gate is OPEN
-Mundo Docks are DEPLOYED for the season
Fishing reports include 10" fish through 22" inch fish with just one group reporting over a dozen fish in the 18-22" range being caught in a half day. Seems like pretty decent fishing. Minimal fishing reports have been submitted.
Just a reminder lake road access and lake/camping access will be closed during pre-announced times over the following 18-24 months. These closures are to insure the safety of work crews and anglers during construction phases of two projects. One at Mundo Lake and the other a Enbom Lake. Final timelines for construction have not been set but anticipated closures will impact Mundo Lake spillway access and camping area summer of 2024 through fall of 2024, while Enbom activities will impact all access late fall 2024 until at least summer of 2025. These are rough estimates, and we are trying dillegently to minimize closures and will provide as much lead time as possible. Please check the blog or call the office prior to making angling plans during the construction projects. The start of both projects will not be a suprize so don't get worried yet.
March 25th, 2024
NTM Online Portal is now open. The new season starts April 1st, 2024. Permits will be texted and e-mailed this year for convenience. They still need to be printed, signed, and carried on your person when fishing.
There are a few days remaining in the 2023-2024 season but any permits that are needed between now and the end of the season (March 31st, 2024) will need to be purchased on site here at the JGFD Office.
Based on all the photos of monster fish being posted around the internet Mundo and Embom are cranking out more 20 plus inch fish a day than anywhere else in New Mexico and probably a few other western states. They are not in the 505, we are in the 575.
One report from Stone indicated a skunk and a uniform bottom with very clear water. Water temps in the low 40's.
MUD SEASON is here, if you don't need to drive on a muddy road please don't. Parking on the east side of Mundo is always an option for the walking angler.
March 19th, 2024
All lakes are 100% ice free. Gates to Mundo camping area and Embom remain closed.
March 11th, 2024
Just a few quick updates:
Mundo: Ice Free, road to camping area will remained closed until the road conditions improve.
Stone: Ice Free
Embom: 10% Open, road remains closed but foot access is permitted. ICE NOT SAFE!
It is time for spring fishing despite the threats of a little more winter, get it while you can because it is going to be dry and hot before you know it.
Spring is, sort of almost here...
The lakes remain closed to ice fishing as the thaw begins. Mundo Lake (below) on Monday was starting to open, but open water season is still a ways off. We have closed the online permit portal to begin to get ready for 2024-2025 permit sales which we will transistion to soon. The 2024-2025 Fishing Proclamtion is posted so you can review changes for the new season.
The Fish Crew will keep you updated as new information becomes available.
Praying for a little more snow before summer...
27 FEBRUARY 2024
February 14th, 2024
Not much to update today ice conditions are not great, and the warm weather near 50 during the day is not helping. Snowfall over the weekend is putting quite a bit of slush on the sheets during the afternoon. Less than 3" of clear ice at all lakes. Lots of soft slush and cloudy ice. The Mundo road is extremely muddy and rutted, please use the highway side to access the lake if you would like to help us save the road.
Stone has open water as of this morning and a nice flock of ducks have made it their home.
February 7th, 2024
It seems ice season is quickly coming to an end. All lakes are starting to show decreasing ice trends and significant water is on all the sheets due to the rain-snow mix we received last night and this morning. Holes drilled on Monday have not refrozen as of this morning. The road into Mundo is EXTREMELY MUDDY but we would prefer you not drive on the road to keep it from getting throttled.
We have chosen a winner for our January fishing report drawing.
Mr. Orlando won a 50 Dollar Los Pinos Fly and Tackle Gift Card.
January 30th, 2024
Seems like it was a very busy and fishy weekend out at the lakes but sadly I only recieved a report from one group. Lucky the fishing is so easy and you all are such good anglers you don't need any help from me. Remember if you submit a report by the 31st, you are entered to win a Los Pinos Fly and Tackle Gift Card!
Weather continues to be very unseasonably warm and temperatures above 50 are expected this week, with nighttime temperatures above freezing. Road conditions can be muddy, and ice sheets are not liking the temperatures. Lots of slush and hidden soft spots have been noticed.
Stone Lake: 2.5" clear ice and 2.5" cloudy packed. High potential for slush on the sheet in the afternoon
Mundo Lake: 3" clear ice and 2.5" cloudy packed. Some snow on the sheet with a high potential for slush on the sheet in the afternoon.
Embom Lake: 2.5" of clear ice and 3.5" cloudy packed.
January 25th, 2024
Quick update: It is currently snow/raining and it did not freeze last night. Extremely muddy on the road into Mundo and the spillway.
Stone Lake: 3.5" ice and 1.5" of slush
Mundo: 5.5" ice and 1.5" of slush, you can see runoff entering the lake from the rain and snowmelt in areas around the lake.
Embom: 5" of ice and 2" of slush
January 23rd, 2024
This isn't news to anyone who has been watching the weather but it is in the mid-forties here today with it expected to get to the low fifties over the weekend. It is sad to think this is the start of mud season. The region currently is in Extreme Drought according to the US Drought Monitor and the thought that winter might sputter out is a little hard to grasp in mid-January. Fingers crossed she will come back for a few more months of ice and snow.
The ice sheets are all very dynamic and as of this morning all sheets had inches of water on top of them and holes drilled over the weekend did not re-freeze overnight, insult to injury was the light rain that fell yesterday. As we did not have highly developed ice sheets this is cause for concern and great caution around the ice.
Stone Lake: 3.5" ice and 2" of water and slush on top of the sheet. Holes from the weekend did not re-freeze by Tuesday morning
Embom: 4.5" of ice 1" of slush and 1" of water on top of the sheet.
Mundo: 5.5" of ice and 1" of slush and water on the sheet, looks like areas of the lake are beginning to thaw. 45 degrees at the lake during inspection.
After a busy holiday season, we were able to meet up with our lucky winners.
Submit reports and help others while entering yourself to win some sweet stuff!
Mr. Paul from Espanola, N.M.
Mr. Madden from Dulce, N.M.
January 17th, 2024
It seems this is a good time to remind everyone that fishing is done at your own risk. Ice fishing is inherently dangerous and there is no such thing as "safe ice". There are countless resources online to teach good ice fishing practices, and sadly we see quite a few anglers each year ignore them. The Fish Crew recommends you carry self-rescue equipment and equipment to help others when on the ice. YOUR SAFETY IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY.
Currently, there is a lot of variation in the ice sheets. We have been checking conditions mid-afternoon.
Stone: Still some open water present which is kind of a clue. 4" ice near the south boat ramp 50 feet offshore. The East Ramp only has 2" weak edges. Lots of pressure ridges and high variation throughout the sheet.
Enbom: 3" of ice and 2" of slush on the ice near the dam.
Mundo: 4.5"of ice 3-4" of slush.
Allegedly there is rain and warmer temps in the future...Strange times.
On a side note the Department joined forces with the best brick-and-mortar tackle shop around, Los Pinos Fly & Tackle in the big metropolis of Albuquerque, and now have a lot of exciting prizes for future giveaways. Maybe we start with the best fishing report of the remainder of January is up for a $50 gift card. Been seeing quite a few videos online of Jicarilla fishing mislabeled as New Mexico public waters, cracks me up when people think they are going to keep the best fishing in the state a secret...
January 11th, 2024
Shockingly not much to report. The snow we are getting today is great, but it is hiding a lot of bad ice and sketchy spots in newly formed sheets. This is only the second year in my ten-year tenure where we did not have 100% coverage the second week in January. Ice fishing isn't ready yet.
Embom: 2-4" of ice weak edge and pressure ridges before snowfall today
Stone: 95% covered, weak edge and pressure ridges visible before snowfall today
Mundo: 95% covered, edges large pressure ridges visible before snowfall today
The Department will be closed on Monday in recognition of Martin Luther King Jr. Day. We will reopen on Tuesday the 16th. Look for an update then.
January 8th, 2024
The weather seems to be in flux, with 8 " of snow over the last two days and hopefully a few more storms on the way. We need it.
Today's afternoon ice check:
Stone 90% ice coverage less than 2" of ice and 2" of slush See the Photo below for conditions January 8th, 2024 1:30 this afternoon.
Embom 100% coverage 3" of ice and 2" of slush near the south side dam.
Mundo 90% coverage of less than 2" of ice See photo below for conditions January 8th, 2024 at 2:30 in the afternoon.
Happy New Year
What a roller coaster of a "winter". Yesterday (1/3/24) There was open water at all three lakes. One angler was fishing from the dam on Mundo yesterday, one angler has been posting photos on the fishing boards of an excellent New Years open water catches at Embom. Pretty cool way to wrap up 2023.
Open water is quickly coming to and end Embom 95% covered, Stone 90% (only open water in the middle of the lake), Mundo 90% covered. The ice sheets are showing lots of signs of movement still but should be stabilizing as they close up.
Allegedly there is a cold blast coming in the next week so we will keep you updated on conditions as we get into next week.
Ice Report 12/27
Seems like the ice is going backwards... No ice sheets ready for fishing yet and warm day time temps...
Stone 90% covered
Embom 90% covered
Mundo 75% covered
We'll keep ya updated as the situation develops.
Happy New Year!
Christmas 2023
Merry Christmas from the Jicarilla Game & Fish Department! We will be updating the ice condition report mid week so check back for that.
Just a quick update-
Two individuals have been selected for the sit on top kayaks:
Paul M. a long time angler & Maddie V. a first time angler. Pretty neat if you ask us.
Their pictures are below:
December 18th, 2023
Quite the strange "winter" we are having been basically t-shirt weather during the days. As of now there is no ice fishing yet. Mundo is 90% covered, Stone 70% covered and Embom is about 90% covered. A few more weeks or a good turn of cold weather. I sure would like another good water year.
We will keep you updated as the situation develops.
Hope everyone is getting in the holiday spirit! The Fish Crew is pretty much always on Santa's naughty list, ever since we hung our sinky waders up as a stocking a few years ago.
December 5th, 2023
Good Afternoon Fish Fans,
A few updates. First we received a dozen or so fishing reports in the month of November and are currently reviewing each to determine who will be the lucky angler going home with a new sit on top kayak. If you happened to of submitted a report in November check back next week to see if you made the podium!
Despite the warmish weather there is 5-10 feet of ice around Mundo in the morning, Embom is completely covered, and Stone has 5 to 10 feet around the edes but it is highly mobile. Open water season isn't over per se but it's getting to be more of a gamble.
The gate to Mundo camping area has been closed for the season as has the gate to Embom. Both lakes are still open to fishing year round.
The Fish Crew will keep you updated on ice conditions as the sheets develop so be on the look out for updates.
November 27th, 2023
Quick update winter came pretty quickly over the Turkey Day weekend. The campground road at Mundo will be closed today as will the Embom gate. Fishing is still allowed just doing our part to save the roads. Embom was 100% covered in ice this morning, Stone and Mundo have 2-4 feet of shelf ice around the edges.
I think the open water season is coming to a slow end and ice should be expected to become more and more of a nuisance as we get closer to December and the New Year.
Normally we do not have fishable ice until around if not after Christmas. As the ice sheets develop we will update the blog per usual.
November 20th, 2023
Today winter came. Wet and dreary. Roads will be muddy if you don't need to drive around save the roads. I guess the lakes are pretty awesome. Thanks to the folks who have been submitting reports and photos, especially the photos they make the blog a little more interesting.
November 13th, 2023
Fishing has been great. Been getting lots of questions but only two recent reports. All telling me that fishing is great. We make big fish I guess. It is getting cold and sheet ice is starting to be present in the morning around the lake edges.
A couple of photos from the two recent reports:
October 31st, 2023
Happy Halloween Fishy Folks,
Quite a few folks have been calling for fishing reports, but no one has called to provide one lately. So to spur some submissions the Fish Crew will be running a fishing report competition. We have a brand new sit-on-top kayak that needs a new home. So the rules are simple. Provide the most useful, creative, artistic photo, etc, etc, fishing report in November (1st-30th), and the Fish Crew will select its favorite to win the kayak. All submissions should be sent to jicarillafishqs@gmail.com .
Fishing is good, I know these things, but some folks like a little realtime info. Provide it and you could win big in November.
Mundo is on fire, as usual.
October 24th, 2023
A few anglers submitted reports, which included some pretty cool information. Not surprising but pretty cool. Fly anglers noted active fishing but smaller fish at Mundo while being skunked at Embom. Five fly anglers noted 1-3 fish per hour in the 14-20" class being caught at Stone Lake. Though no real particulars were given, float tubes or kickboats are probably a good idea.
Other anglers reported 18" trout in Mundo and lots of smaller-sized trout. Also, multiple nice 20-plus-inch catfish were captured most likely making excellent fish tacos. Catfishing can be very good this time of year and there are many large fish to be had.
Remember to read your fishing proclamation as the rules are different depending on where you choose to fish on the Nation.
The nights are cooling off, and winter is hopefully right around the corner.
October 2nd, 2023
Rain and thundery day here. Selling quite a few permits but not a single report has been submitted. Be careful out there, between the lightning and mud it could be slightly hazardous if the storm sticks around.
One lucky local angler was smart and crafty and despite some vegetation used superior angling skills and hooked into an eighteen-inch rainbow at Enbom this weekend. Regardless of reports if you know how to fish you know how to fish.
Fish The Jicarilla
Fish the Jicarilla ball caps are available in the office! 20 bucks can land you a Fish The Jicarilla ball cap while supplies last. Stop by the office during normal business hours to land one for yourself! Available in three colorways currently.
An angler reported a missing Sage Flyrod at Mundo Lake. If you have found a rod or find one please let the Fish Crew know ASAP so we can return it to its owner! jicarillafishqs@gmail.com
September 25th, 2023
The Fish Crew is back. Sounds like cooler weather and some rain occurred in our absence which is really awesome. Mundo Lake is fishing well with reports of many fish between 11-18" being caught and one 21" trout being reported as well. Catfishing should still be good so come and catch some fish tacos.
No reports from Stone, and Embom is still pretty weedy. One angler said he caught an 18" fish at Embom from the shore last week in spite of the weeds.
Get out and go fishing.
September 12th 2023
It is Gojiiya Week which is a large seasonal celebration and ceremony here on the Nation. One should expect high traffic on J-8 and at most recreational lakes starting today and finishing up on Sunday. Our office as well as most other departments will be closed starting today and will reopen Monday the 18th.
Finally raining here which is good, If you don't need to drive off the pavement please protect the roads when possible. The Nation is still under a recreational fire ban, but you can use propane to cook at the lakes.
Fall finally feels real today Hopefully it leads to another excellent winter.
The Fish Crew will be on light staff until the 25th of September. Please call the office if you need quick information.
Be safe and enjoy the changing season!
September 7th, 2023
It has been hot and dry, with some fires to the north of us bringing in some unwanted smoke. Water temperatures are still pretty hot, but nights are starting to cool slightly. Hunting season has started which makes it feel like fall, even if the temperatures still feel like summer.
Send your reports and enjoy the fall!
August 10th, 2023
Boy is it been hot and smokey. We are surrounded by wildlifes in Colorado and New Mexico. It has been very dry with no monsoon what so ever. Few anglers have been out and about but the couple we have chatted with have mentioned good catifishing and slow trout fishing, which is the exact blueprint summer.
We are still under a fire ban so no campfires on the Nation are allowed. Please be extra careful out there wherever you may wander to.
July 26th, 2023
One report came in from one of the Fish Crew's favorite fishing families mentioning great fishing at Mundo with a few trout in the 16-18" range as well as many more smaller fish being caught. Also one lucky guy caught a estimated 42" 15 pound tiger musky. Rememeber tiger muskies are catch and release only, if you are not sure about how to properly handle these gentle giants please find a mentor or use youtube to get educated before targeting them.
Water temperatures and air temperatures are very high, if you can limit catch and release fishing for trout during these times that is best. Wear sunscreen and stay hydrated out there!.
No monsoon yet, but maybe this week?
July 13th, 2023
It is very hot and sunny. Not the best trout fishing weather in my opinion but a great time to catch some channel cats and bluegill for summer fish tacos.
Due to the hot dry and windy red flag type weather we have been getting the Nations forestry folks have issued a fire ban throughout the Nation until further notice. NO CAMP FIRES.
This weekend is the Little Beaver Celebration, and it is expected to be very very busy all over and around Dulce, the Lakes, and the River. If you don't want to see everyone and their cousins aunties grandmas you may want to stay home this weekend.
Enjoy your weekend regardless of what kind of fishing you find yourself up to.
July 2nd, 2023
One fishing report was recieved this week and it indicated what anyone who watches the weather may have guessed, that we are transistioning into summer warm water fishing season. The report indicated 14-18" trout but all fish were holding very deep and the angler indicated he though trout fishing had slowed. Aquatic vegitation is also beginning to show up in the lakes as is normal for this time of year. It was a great and much longer than usual spring season but now we are moving on into the summer of 2023.
Please consider not engaging in catch and release trout angling in these warm summer time temperatures and instead enjoying warm water species like bluegill, bass and catfish and Mundo.
Happy Fourth of July!
Fathers Day
Happy Fathers Day Folks!
Lots of folks have been out fishing but very few reports have been submitted.
One report from a local angler indicated very fast, fat, and sporty 14-16" fish being caught in Stone Lake, with one that broke him off most likely being much larger.
Another report indacated fish being deeper than expected at Mundo, but shore anglers are still producing 12-18" rainbows consistently. Similar note from Embom was recieved with one fish being caught that broke 20".
If you enjoy the blog please consider submitting reports and/or pictures from your recent fishing trip to the Jicarilla to be show cased in the blog.
Enjoy the weekend.
May 31st, 2023
Sounds like from the one report I have received fishing is really good, but with good fishing comes more anglers at the lakes. 10 to 20 fish an hour in the 14-19" range. Please remember once you retain a fish in your bag/stringer/livewell basket/etc. you can not return them or exchange them for another fish. Once a bag is retained you are done fishing for the day.
Just a friendly reminder for those who are curious the Jicarilla Apache Nation DOES NOT participate in the state's free fishing day. Anglers are always required to purchase a valid Jicarilla Fishing Permit before engaging in fishing in the Nation.
May 25th, 2023
You all are making this a season to remember, fishing permit sales are booming! Water clarity at all lakes is in fluctuation due to many monsoon-esque rain storms we have had, visability is best at Mundo with Embom and Stone having less. Fishing has been great with many nice fish being landed at Mundo this week. Some anglers have mentioned peaks and valleys with action, which with large storms moving about is to be expected.
The Fish Crew has installed buoys at all three recreational fishing lakes: DO NOT DISTURB THEM. If you snag one cut your line.
If you would like to report a crime or an emergency on our lakes please call Jicarilla Police Dispatch at (575) 759-3222. This could include suspected Game & Fish proclamation violations. Reporting poachers is the right thing to do.
Our office will be closed on Monday the 29th for Memorial Day. The 155th observance of this day honors those who have lost their lives serving in the United States Armed Services.
May 11th, 2023
Fishing must be hot because we have seen more anglers than usual. Reports are ranging from 16-20" and at the rate we are selling permits they must be landing quite a few, and telling their friends. Fishing seems to be better later in the day.
It would be awesome if some of you interpreted anglers could send in some pictures, I'll make ya famous by putting them in upcoming blogs!
I would like to remind everyone to read and understand the fishing proclamation before engaging in fishing here on the reservation. Law enforcement is out and they love enforcing the rules. Deny them the pleasure of writing you a ticket by being a law-abiding and informed fisherman!
May 2nd, 2023
Lots of fishermen and lots of fish. Limits of 16-23" fish being reported from Mundo. Everything from bait to spinners and spoons, normal bugger-type flies, the basics are all working like they should.
No reports from Embom or Stone.
April 25th, 2023
The water is still off-color at all lakes, but improving. Anglers are indicating 14"-18" fish and 20 per fish day at Mundo, Only one report from Stone and Embom indicated slow fishing, but they didn't really give it a good college try. One angler indicated a 21" fish out of Mundo but he may or may not have been telling a white lie, you never can tell with fishermen. Bait, spinners, and flies have all caught their fair share of fish this week.
The wind has been bad, last nite it snowed, it was foggy pea soup this morning and it's supposedly going nice sometime in the near future, but as well speak it is sleet hailing and 40 plus gusts. If you want good fishing the spring is second only to the fall.
April 19th, 2023
The wind and dust this week are something else. Not sure if this is the new normal, but the wind and dust have been pretty serious. The dust is especially bad for our remaining snowpack, as it causes it to melt much faster than it would or should normally.
The docks at Mundo have been put out, the gate to the hill opened, and the road graded.
The gate at Embom has been opened.
Water at all of the lakes is still off-color and the wind isn't helping that at all. I would imagine the turbidity will remain high for quite a few more weeks. This isn't the time for small bugs or little baits. Now is the time for chartreuse and flash, big buggers and streamers, rapalas, and the like.
Two anglers at Mundo on Monday had slow fishing from shore but noticed an increase in fish bites after lunch when the temperatures warmed. One was using small nymphs and the other was using the trusty small bugger/pistolpete with a water bobbler.
It's still very early spring around here with frost most mornings. If you enjoy this blog please consider submitting a fishing report.
April 11th, 2023
I hope you all had a very nice holiday weekend. Currently, it seems at least for a couple of days the weather is quite warm. Mundo and Stone are ice-free but Embom still has 70% ice coverage. All lakes are receiving inflow and are very turbid.
Please use caution at the Mundo spillway as water is reaching the normal parking area and the boat ramp is almost 100% underwater. USE CAUTION and do not drive vehicles into the lake. The spillway is a spillway first and a parking area second.
Fishing reports from the weekend indicate 16-18" trout and possibly some nice catfish hits.
The gate at Embom is closed as the road is still snowbound.
The gate to the Mundo camping is closed currently due to road conditions but the lower section from J-8 to the spillway is dry currently.
Ice Conditions (4/4/2023)
As of today, Stone Lake is 90% open water and very turbid. Mundo Lake is less than 30% open and the lake is very turbid. The high wind is surely helping but we have a long way to go, especially as it is snowing outside currently. Spring sure is fun. The road is impassable due to melting snow, and access to the lake is only available on the east side.
The online permit system is open for 2023-2024 business, please read all information thoroughly before buying a permit online. Our office is also open for permit sales Monday thru Friday 8-5 on all normal non-holiday days.
Not quite, though the melt is on and off here we are still seeing cold nights. but the edges of the ice sheet at all the lakes are separated by the afternoon. We are seeing significant inflow at all lakes, which is always what the doctor ordered. I'll keep updating as the situation moves along, but I'm still hoping for another few feet of snow to really cap off the season.
Online Permit System
Just an update: I have turned off the Online Permit System in order to begin the transition to offering the new 2023-2024 season year (April 1st, 2023- March 31st, 2024) permits. It should hopefully be turned on later this week and allow for pre-season purchasing for the remainder of the month but will no longer be selling 2022-2023 permits. This should not cause any interuption as the ice is no longer safe but there is no open water to fish as of yet.
Have a great weekend.
It is time to say goodbye to the longest ice season in recent memory. After the rains over the weekend and above-freezing temperatures overnight the last weekdays the sheet is covered in 9" of slush and water. Stone lake is predominately slushed around the edges.
We may be closed for ice fishing but open water season is still off for some length of time.
The Fish Crew will keep you updated as the situation progresses!
March 8th 2023
Ice is starting to deteriorate with 7" of ice and 7" of hard slush/snow on the ice, during the day slush is going to be turning into water (47 degrees yesterday when we went out). This has been the longest ice fishing season in my ten years here, but reports from an angler over the weekend indicated slow fishing which makes sense after the long winter. Nothing lasts forever, especially a hot bite.
The Fish Crew is transitioning to getting ready for spring, there will be some big updates coming in the next few months and we are excited to get the 2023-24 fishing season up and running on April 1st.
March 2nd, 2023
This winter can't quite figure out what it wants to do. Last night we got about 5 inches of snow and now it is sunny, but we are under an extreme winter weather advisory. Yesterday Ice conditions at Mundo were approximately 12" of ice and 4" of packed snow. If it were to warm up there will be deep slush/water on the ice sheet. This is the latest in the year and the thickest ice we've had in the last ten years. Not sure what that means.
Packed snow, drifting snow, and ice are possible on all roads, use caution. If it warms up the road into Mundo will be extremely muddy, Department suggests accessing the lake from the east side as it limits damage to the road if this is the case.
No reports have been submitted and limited evidence of anglers could be seen from the week.
February 21st, 2023
Lots of anglers out this week though no reports have been submitted. If you'd like to submit a report or a photo to be featured in the blog please write the Fish Crew an e-mail at jicarillafishqs@gmail.com
The ice sheet is starting to begin degrading, Sundays day daytime high temperature of 50 degrees didn't help. Snow was melting by 9:00 this morning at the office and the road into Mundo was soft and very muddy. With warm days will bring lots of slush on the sheet making ice sheet observation very difficult. Ice fishing is inherently dangerous, use at your own risk. 6-8" of ice with 14" of packed snow/slush ice.
It is very rare to have ice at the end of February, and the sheet can't last forever.
Of course the weatherman is calling for a week long winter storm system to come in this evening. Hopefully it brings lots of snow, but it also sounds like high winters are in the forecast as well. Snow does not build ice.
Hopefully the snow keeps up and we can get a big finish to the 2022-2023 winter season.
St. Valentine
Happy Valentines Day Fish Folks,
Chris Tomer said this storm is going to stick around till Wednesday next week and is potentially (!I hope!) going to bring a lot of snow to Southern Colorado and Northern New Mexico. We sure could use that.
That being said this weekend was pretty darn warm and it did impact the ice sheet. Today Mundo had 6" of ice and another 8-10 inches of hard-packed snow and slush ice which due to the cold temperatures was firm but not consolidated. There is a stiff breeze this morning drifting the fresh snow across roads and blowing across the lake.
Be careful it is most likely going to be winter driving conditions for a while.
No fishing reports have been submitted, no anglers were on the lake when the Fish Crew checked the ice this morning.
Enjoy some time with your sweet heart today!
February 1st, 2023
The year is seemingly flying by. One report from Mundo was recieved from this weekend and it indicated about a trout an hour most of the day in 12' to 16' feet of water. The report also indicated some folks bringing in some nice catfish as well. Angler was using the good ole standard jig and wax worm tipping. Pretty standard stuff out there. Ice was reported at 8" with 4-6" of compact snow on top.
The Fish Crew has been out of the office sick this week, if you left a message on the voicemail and wonder where I am please use the contact us tab on the website!
January 27th, 2023
Some reports from yesterday came in and I'd thought I would pass them on. Yesterday a group had a slow day of fishing and only had one bite in 6 hours using all sorts of common rigs. Another group mentioned multiple trout in the 14-16" range as well as some catfish for fish tacos, all fish were caught on white or purple marabou jigs. I guess location is key as is time of day.
Just a quick update. Keep submitting reports! Good or bad days of fishing happen, there is no reason to be ashamed or secretive. Help the greater community and submit reports to jicarillafishqs@gmail.com or use the contact us tab on the website!
January 26th, 2023
No fishing reports have been submitted, but many anglers are been spotted out and about. Ice is averaging 8.5-10" at Mundo this morning, with snow on the sheet. Roads range from snow packed to muddy.
Please use your best judgment and always remember to submit a fishing report.
January 17th, 2022
Winter came this weekend! Road conditions are poor at best, with snow/packed snow, and single lanes plowed in many areas. I think this is a good time to stay home. This weather is supposedly going to stick around for a few more days and that makes me very happy! The ice sheets are covered in approximately a foot of fresh snow.
Use extreme caution.
Be safe, and stay home.
January 9th, 2023
Jicarilla Game & Fish Department is back in the office. I hope you all enjoyed your holidays. Ice fishermen have been out and about, but no fishing reports have been submitted. Ice this morning at Mundo near the boat ramp was 5-7" with a few inches of snow coverage. Warm day time temps and high sun have been the norm the last two days and today appears to be similar. Allegedly we are getting another storm system mid-week.
I sure would appreciate getting more feedback from anglers...That being said I hounded a local contact and they mentioned trout between 14-21" this weekend with limits being easily caught. That was a few days ago but it sounds like the potential for good fishing.
Hope all is well and Best Wishes from the Fish Crew for you and yours in 2023.
Happy New Year!
It's officially 2023. For the Fish Crew's new years day, we drilled holes. Roads especially to the lakes are rutted and snow-packed, very icy in spots. It is hard to complain about heavy wet snow to start the new year, but if you're an ice angler you may have a decent argument.
I can say I'm not overly thrilled with the ice sheet as of yet. It is above freezing and this causes lots of safety issues. There is approximately 3-5" of ice on Mundo as well as 5-6" of slush and water on top. This slush and water makes it very difficult to see the sheet and covers most all of the warning signs of poor quality ice.
Embom has not developed a safe enough sheet for testing, and neither has Stone.
The real problem in the long run with so much water is it insulates the ice sheet slowing the freezing process. I can't complain in the long run wet snow is what the lakes really need so I'm trying to stay positive.
I'll include some photos for you to get an idea of what I'm trying to explain.
December 22nd, 2022
I hope everyone is settling into the holiday spirit as Christmas is just a few days away. The weather really doesn't want there to be ice fishing this year, but with this new system coming in hopefully temperatures will drop consistently enough to start building a quality ice sheet. As of now there is NO ICE FISHING. Mundo and other lakes are 100% covered but very thin ice.
I will keep you all informed with the most recent info as it comes it. In the mean time enjoy the holidays!
Holiday Update
Ice development took a huge hit last week when we received many nights above freezing and rain on multiple occasions. There is no ice fishing at this time. I'll keep you all updated as the situation develops, but it looks like it may be a late start to ice fishing and without a cold spell it might not be until after the new year.
FYI: The Jicarilla Game & Fish Department Office will be closed starting at 1:00 pm on December 22nd and we will return to normal operation at 8:00 am on January 9th, 2023.
Hope all is well.
Ice Season
Ice season is getting closer but no fishable ice as of yet. It was 2 degree's this morning in Dulce when the Fish Crew got to work.
This morning Embom is 100% covered in thin sheet ice and is majority covered throughout the day. Mundo is 98% covered at 1:30 this afternoon. Stone Lake is 95% covered as of 12:00 this afternoon.
Open water season is officially over! I'll keep you informed of ice conditions as they develop. Traditionally somewhere around Christmas we have fishable ice but every year is different.
Hope everyone enjoyed their holiday weekend!
November 22, 2022
Getting downright cold out there, don't be surprised by sheet ice around the edges of the lakes in the mornings. There is still some time to fish if you don't mind cold temps, but the days are getting much shorter and it is starting to feel like winter.
The Game and Fish Department will be closed Tuesday the 23rd thru Sunday the 27th and will reopen for normal business on Monday 28th.
Please enjoy your Holiday weekend and be safe out there!
November 14th, 2022
It's pretty gloomy outside this morning, snowing in the high country, and flurries down here. Hopefully, this turns into a blizzard as I sure would just like to get winter rolling, this tip-toeing around the tulips is getting a bit old.
No fishing reports have been submitted. I know folks went fishing but it seems the majority of anglers are not submitting reports. I am also noticing an uptick in folks not familiar with the proclamation, which is quite concerning.
Otherwise, it looks and feels like a gloomy day November outside. I'd reckon fall is over but we are a while away from ice fishing season. Don't worry I'll keep you updated on that as it gets closer.
November 3rd, 2022
It started raining this morning and around lunch, the rain turned to snow. That means roads to the lakes will be wet and should be avoided if possible, Highway roads may be slippery. Enjoy your weekend.
Fishing reports have been very positive especially from float tubers in Mundo. Low and slow seems to still be the ticket.
Winter is fun.
Happy Halloween
Happy Halloween Folks,
Fishing isn't very spooky but some people say it's best done in costume. I'm not one of those people but some are. Fishing is a lot like trick or treating, but the fish only get tricked.
Fishing reports are trickling in and some anglers have noted larger buggers, standard bead-head nymphs, and low and slow is the ticket. One group at Mundo noted 6 fish and hour catch rates which is very good. The nighttime temperatures have been cold but daytime temperatures are still in the '50s with clear skies and high sun, supposedly winter will be here soon and I'm ready.
We will be bringing in the docks for winter starting most likely next week.
Get out fishing and enjoy what is left of the 2022 open-water season.
October 24th, 2022
Winter came this morning, but maybe not for the long haul yet. The views were incredible this morning as the clouds lifted. Anglers who braved the weather were rewarded with slow fishing but an average size of 16"-18" at Mundo Lake. I would recommend spinners or larger bugger patterns as the water clarity did not improve with the rain yesterday or the snow today. Don't let the weather slow you down, your chances for open-water fishing are getting limited.
As a reminder though it is not required for adult anglers please consider wearing your lifejackets and inspecting your boats for their "seaworthiness" before launching, the water is cold and the winds have been high. In a time of need, a lifejacket not worn is just about as good as no life jacket. Youth are required to wear a life jacket at all times while in watercraft.
October 12th, 2022
I had to scrape the windshield this morning and the leaves are turning, so that is usually a fair sign that summer is ending.
Water temperatures are in the high to mid-'50s and the lakes are clearing from last week's rain.
No fishing reports have been submitted but a fair amount of people have been out and about.
Get your fall fishing fix before old man winter comes a'knocking.
September 30th, 2022
We are still being blessed with some scattered showers and nighttime temperatures are starting to dip slightly. Water temperatures are still hovering in the low to mid-sixities at all lakes. One report from Mundo was submitted indicating trout up to 18" on dragonfly patterns and a welcome but unexpected 8-pound catfish on the fly. Aquatic vegetation at Mundo is still up but very fishable.
Enjoy your weekend, and go fishing.
September 22, 2022
Today is a big day for the Fish Crew. After twenty-two years of service Rosenberg Tafoya, Fisheries Technician is retiring.
That means the better three-quarters of the Fish Crew is going to be fishing more and we all wish him the best of luck.
Today and yesterday have been rainy days and I mean rainy. Please use extreme caution and if you don't absolutely have to access the lakes via the road please don't.
Water temps are 62 a Mundo, 64 at Stone, and 61 at Embom.
No fishing reports have been submitted.
September 12th 2022
A quick update. This week is Go-Jii-Ya which means J-8 to Stone Lake will be open to local traffic only to Stone Lake, access to Mundo and Embom will not be limited. Expect high traffic for the remainder of the week.
Go-Jii-Ya also is a Jicarilla Nation Holiday so our office will be closed Wednesday (9/14), Thursday(9/15), and Friday (9/15) of this week and will resume normal operation on Monday the 19th.
Surface water temperatures remain in the high 60s, but the weather man is talking cold fronts, so with any luck, this will cool down soon.
Hope all is well,
September 8th, 2022
Just a quick update. September is here and hunting has begun. Surface water temperatures at all lakes are still hovering in the upper 60s. Nights are getting cooler so it sort of seems like fall is just around the corner, kids are back in school so that's usually the second sign fall won't be long.
Seems like it was a pretty busy Labor day weekend but no fishing reports have been submitted.
Enjoy the season,
August 31st, 2022
Just an update on a few fishy things... The Fish Crew went out and checked surface water temperatures at the three lakes earlier this week all were in the high 60's (67-68 degrees). That means fall fishing isn't quite here, but it is getting closer. For the warm water anglers, there is still time before the bite slows. Remember that trout fishing is really best below 65.
There is now access to Embom and Stone from Dulce on J-8. The Contract Roads Department has been working on repairing the road damage, and they created a bi-pass lane to get around the damage. Please use extreme caution and drive slowly as there will be construction ongoing for a while to fix the main road. Give the workers a brake.
Hope all is well,
August 23rd, 2022
No fishing reports have been submitted. If you value the information available in the fishing reports consider submitting a short or long report to jicarillafishqs@gmail.com or through our contact us tab on the website after your next fishing trip.
The J-8 road repairs have begun but are ongoing and you will still need to access Embom and Stone Lakes from J-15 NOT THROUGH DULCE. Mundo Lake is accessable through Dulce.
Rain is fantastic and should provide excellent fall fishing. Traditionally Fall fishing begins in earnest Mid-September and goes until ice over. Obviously weather drives this season, but these are good starting points to plan a trip.
Hope all is well and we look forward to seeing you this fall!
August 15th, 2022
Rain, Rain, Rain, which is what the doctor ordered. The rain is supposedly going to be sticking around the rest of the week. Plan accordingly for wet roads. J-8 is currently being repaired but is not yet ready to be reopened. I'll keep you updated as information becomes available
Despite the rain, the daytime temperatures have been quite high which has slowed the trout bite at Mundo. Catfishing, bluegill, and bass have been active, and if you target them have provided many fish tacos to anglers looking for something different to eat.
Embom Lake received a large inflow from the recent rains and is still quite off color. If the rains subside it will take a few days to clear up, but the rains show no signs of letting up this week. The turbidity may impact fishing so it may be best to let it settle out a bit before planning a trip.
Fish Crew is excited for what should be an excellent fall season!
Hope all is well, and send in your fishing reports!
August 2nd, 2022
The last five days have been quite interesting here. Monsoon really decided it wanted to rearrange things on the ground and it turns out that what monsoon wants monsoon gets. This means some interesting things for anglers as J8 near the Aiport was washed out and is currently closed. This means to access Stone Lake and Embom Lake one must use 537 to J15. To access Mundo Lake J8 must be used from Dulce. There is no way to Access Stone and Embom from Dulce until J8 is repaired, this process does not have a current schedule for completion. Likewise, you cannot access Mundo Lake from the southern J15 route.
On a positive note, all lakes received a nice boost in storage from the rains, Stone is currently up 12" and rising, Mundo is up 12" and Embom is full and spilling over. This is awesome news, in the drought happiness is a rain storm for lakes.
No fishing reports have been submitted.
July 21st, 2022
It sure has been hot, with quite a bit of afternoon monsoon activity and its associated lighting. More moisture is always good, but I sure could go without the thunder booming all the time. That being said it has been very hot and sunny before the storms and that has impacted fishing. One group of anglers fished most of the morning on Tuesday and managed to creel 9 beautiful rainbows in the 14-17" range. The warm water fishing is amazing right now as it always is best during the warm season for some reason. The Fish Crew just stocked some amazing Channel Catfish with an average size of over 25 inches, so if you like fried fish sandwiches or fish nuggets then come catch a few in the wild!
We are still under moderate to high fire danger and a burn ban.
No fishing reports have been submitted...
I sure would like to include some photos of fish caught this year if you would like to share I'd gladly make you Fish Crew Blog Famous.
July 5th, 2022
Hopefully, you all enjoyed the Independence Day Weekend! The Nation has been blessed with a good amount of moisture and we can't be upset about that. Roads during times of precipitation can be muddy, please stay off roads when wet if possible. Despite the moisture, the region is still in severe drought, as such the complete fire ban is STILL IN EFFECT.
Excellent catches of 9-10" bluegill were reported as was a 25" catfish this weekend.
Whoever made it rain keep up the good work!
June 24th, 2022
The weather has shifted slightly and all things are pointing to a monsoon cycle hanging around the area over the weekend at least. Cooler temperatures are a blessing as is the rain, but we are still under extreme fire risk and complete fire ban. It sounds like with the closure of New Mexico Forests there is a much larger desire to come long term camping on the reservation, please fully read the camping rules found in the fishing proclamation and be good guests of the Jicarilla.
Big surprise no fishing reports have been submitted. The better half of the Fisheries Crew through investigations of his own has found fishing to be best in the morning and evening and some good catches of trout still possible, but warm water fishing is starting to outshine as it always does in the summer.
If you enjoy reading the fishing blog please consider submitting a post fishing trip report to jicarillafishqs@gmail.com or through the contact us link on the website.
Enjoy your weekend,
June 16th, 2022
Supposedly it is going to rain this weekend. Let us hope this rumor is true!
We are still under extreme fire danger and a complete fire ban, despite the forecast there is little chance the fire ban will be lifted anytime soon.
Weeds are starting to grow at Embom though it is still fishable it is getting more difficult and most likely not a place for those who desire to bounce bait on the bottom, bobber anglers will fair much better.
No fishing reports have been submitted...
The best half of the Fisheries Crew likes fish nuggets, he has been having good luck on both pan-sized bluegill and channel catfish. But has noted trout fishing is slowing down as is normal during any 90-degree period of time. Fly and bubble and elk liver are his go-to baits.
Damselflies and dragonflies are in abundance.
Have a great weekend and a Happy Fathers Day to all the Dads out there,
June 7th, 2022
Amazingly no fishing reports have been submitted, despite record permit sales...It may be since we are seeing a higher volume of new anglers, but I know plenty of regulars are fishing and just keeping all their success to themselves.
This year as with every year there was some misunderstanding around the free fishing day. Just a reminder the Jicarilla Apache Nation is its own separate entity and sets its own rules and regulations. Hence why you need a Jicarilla Fishing Permit when fishing here. We do not participate in a free fishing day.
Prize fish are being turned in slowly and a 17.5" rainbow from Mundo Lake was our last winner. The two grand prize tags are still swimming freely. Remember you do not need to kill the fish to collect your prize, just pull the tag off the trout's back and turn it into the Game & Fish or e-mail the Fish Crew at jicarillafishqs@gmail.com.
The weather is warming up quickly so I would recommend getting your trout fix in before the heat slows the fishing down till fall.
May 31st, 2022
I guess fishing has been good even though no reports have been submitted. I know 2 winning prize fish were caught this weekend one measuring 23" and one measuring 25". If you catch a tagged fish bring the tag into the Game & Fish Office to collect a prize. We still have many tags at large two, of which are for our top prizes of sit-on-top kayaks.
I know fishing has been good. With New Mexico closing down it has also been extremely busy here. The wind has also been a factor, very very high wind. Fire restrictions are still in place!!
May 18th, 2022
Fishing has been excellent, with some folks reporting large catches in excess of 40 fish a day with some trout reaching 24" in length, and an average catch of 14-18". Mundo and Embom low and slow with fly gear have been very effective, with some folks swearing by one fly or another, but it seems based on the reports everything from prince nymphs, dragonfly larvae patterns, and bead headed wooly buggers are equally catching. Bait and lures fished deep are also very productive. If you are interested in trout fishing I would recommend getting your fishing in before mid-June as water temperatures will exceed reasonable catch and release conditions by then. Obviously, trout fishing is best in the spring and fall. Once water temperature exceeds 65 degrees we recommend, and all ethical anglers should understand, that trout fishing (especially catch and release) should cease, and anglers should target warm water species or find cooler water.
We are getting a lot of questions and concerns from anglers about the rules and regulations. It is your responsibility to read and understand the 2022-23 Fishing Proclamation, by signing your permit you are legally attesting to the fact that you have read and understood the document.
We are under Extreme Fire Risk currently and there is a complete ban on outdoor fires. There are multiple active fires in the region and smoke is present. Please do your part to prevent fire. This ban will be in effect for the foreseeable future.
If you call and want to talk to the Fish Crew please remember to leave your phone number with the area code on your voicemail recording, we do not have your numbers memorized.
May 10th, 2022
Despite the high winds anglers are coming out in droves and really catching quite a few nice fish. Anglers are reporting 20-60 fish days at Mundo with fish ranging in size from 14"-20" on every conceivable technique. Embom is producing very well for some anglers and not so well for others. Anglers using float tubes are outfishing shore anglers in most reports.
If you are releasing fishing please use the heaviest line possible and release fish in a timely manner. We are getting a few reports of anglers using less than optimal techniques by using towels to handle fish, reeling fish onto shore, etc. Please release fish to fight another day. If you are a fly angler there is no need for a tippet below 3x or 4x at the absolute minimum, since leaving hooks in fish's mouths because you think you need 6x to catch a fish is not an ethical catch and release nor a good use of the resource. If you are unsure of the best catch and release practices I have embedded a video with some tips and tricks. There are countless resources for information of this nature with a simple youtube or google search.
May 4th, 2022
The fishing season is in full swing despite the high winds. Anglers have been reporting catches of trout from Mundo up to 21" and one report indicated mouse patterns may not be the new hot fly for Embom.
As more and more folks are out fishing please be respectful of other anglers. Everyone wants to have a good time and an abundance of courtesy can ensure everyone does. The boat ramp is for launching boats, not for fishing, boat rigging, or frisbee. Please enjoy the lake but remember the best fishing in Northern New Mexico draws in a lot of people and if you think this is your secret spot, you are not alone.
Hopefully, the winds die down but until they do be careful in small craft.
April 28th, 2022
Fishing season has begun in full force, despite the high winds, dust, and generally less than optimal weather. Reports are trickling in and indicate excellent fishing at Mundo using every manner of technique. Flies with orange and coneheads or beads to get down and lures and baits of the common variety are all productive. Rainbow trout from 8" to 20" have been reported as well as some large catfish up to eight pounds.
No reports from Embom have been submitted and I'd say you are missing out if you don't try it sooner rather than later.
A lot of folks are using the online permit portal, some with better success than others. The number one issue as it appears is the card issuer (the fishermen's card company) declining the purchase as the address does not match what they have on file. Also, just a reminder if you enter the wrong e-mail address twice and do not receive your permit that is your responsibility, not the JGFD's. Read the terms of service as well as all other provided information before purchasing a permit.
Go fishing,
Fire Ban
April 18th, 2022
Fishing reports are trickling in mostly from Mundo. Most reports included a "pushed off the lake earlier than expected by the wind" comment. The afternoon winds have been brutal and I would be very careful on the lakes with boats especially float tubes or other unpowered craft. Don't forget your tennis shoes just in case you have to walk back to the truck. No one wants to walk a mile in wader booties, and I've given a few unfortunate souls rides of shame back to their trucks in the past. The surface temperature at the lakes has been around 49 degrees.
Reports have indicated on average 2-4 fish an hour on flies from leeches, wooly worms, midges, and nymphs. No bait or lure reports have been submitted. The largest fish reported was 18" with an average of 14-16" on Rainbow Trout. Many fly anglers have also been getting into catfish with some over 20".
One report from Stone Lake indicated no catches but visuals on many small sub-catchable trout which were stocked this spring. Hopefully, these little guys continue to grow and should be catchable-plus in time for fall fishing.
No reports from Embom have been submitted. Today the Fish Crew installed water quality equipment into Embom. This equipment records temperature, dissolved oxygen, and pH. A buoy can be seen on the southeast side of the lake. PLEASE AVOID THIS BOUY. If you snag the line or buoy break off your snagged tackle. DO NOT TAMPER with the equipment as it is collecting important environmental data needed to continue to provide excellent fishing. This type of equipment is deployed in Stone, Embom, and Mundo and the same rules apply to all equipment.
Be careful out there this wind surely is very strong and it may be best to avoid the afternoons in general until it calms down.
April 11th, 2022
No fishing reports have been submitted as of yet. The road to Mundo has been graded and all gates are now open at Mundo and Embom.
Send fishing reports. I know we are selling permits so someone out there has been fishing. The weather has been very windy, so that may need to be taken into consideration when planning a trip.
Hope all is well,
March 31st, 2022
The less than best half of the Fish Crew will be on vacation next week. That means there will not be a blog post next week. Hence a two-fer this week. This also means e-mails and phone calls will be returned the week of the 11th.
As of this afternoon, the ice conditions are rapidly changing with the warm temps and high winds:
Mundo: 80% open water (camping access gate is still closed as the road is impassable, the main road is rutted and 4x4 recommended. The road will be graded as soon as conditions allow.)
Stone 95% open water
Embom: 30% open water (the gate is still closed as the road is unpassable currently, walk-in access only)
If you are using the online permit system please read the instructions, it's not complicated but there are rules, and those rules are there for a reason. If you do not want to use the online system you can always still come swing by the office in Dulce during normal business hours and get your permit the old-fashioned way. No outside permit vendors will be selling Jicarilla fishing permits.
On a side note if you call the Fish Crew and leave a message please include your phone number so we can call you back. Despite our amazing memory, we do not have everyone's numbers on speed dial.
Enjoy your weekend.
March 29th, 2022
This weather... Currently, Mundo is about half open. Which half depends on which way the wind blows. Very similar ice coverage at Stone and Embom as well.
This is the latest we have had ice coverage in my time here.
I'll keep you updated as the situation develops, fishing soon seems reasonable but not quite yet.
Things are moving toward spring and the ice sheets are slowly receding with runoff water inflow. No open water fishing as of yet but warmer nights and days things should start opening up sooner rather than later.
That all being said I would hope open water fishing should coincide with the April 1st beginning of the 2022-2023 fishing season. I obviously cannot tell the future and this ice season has been stranger than most as this is the longest we've had any ice coverage since I've been here.
Online permits will be available for the new permit season to Non-Tribal Member anglers. Permits must be printed, signed, and on the angler's person when fishing. Permits can only be purchased for you and those in your household who share the same address. Annual and Daily Permits will be available. You may still purchase your permits in our office in Dulce during normal business hours if you wish, but no outside vendors will be selling Jicarilla Fishing Permits.
Season Wrap Up
The end of ice season last week means there won't be much to report as there will be no fishing until the water opens. This winter isn't over yet but it is feeling more and more like spring every day. I didn't even have to scrape my windshield this morning. There are some exciting things in the works so I look forward to sharing those when they come about.
The new fishing season opens on April 1st, 2022. We are excited to be able to again offer NTM annual permits for this upcoming season.
As always if you have questions you can use the contact us tab on the website or e-mail the Fish Crew directly at jicarillafishqs@gmail.com
As always the Fish Crew will keep you updated as information becomes available,
03 March 2022
Due to melting low land snow, warm weather (65 degrees today), and quality of ice remaining we are closing all lakes to ice fishing until further notice. At the rate of ice decline and if temperatures remain elevated, we will be having open water season very soon.
Enjoy your weekend and hopefully, you got your ice fix while it lasted!
28 February 2022
No fishing reports have been submitted. The winter storm from last week has given way to 50 degree days. Those nice days mean mud and deteriorating ice sheets. More and more slush ice is building on the sheets making a visual inspection of the ice sheets difficult and in the afternoon making a wet mess. This morning the Fish Crew went out when the air temp was still below freezing.
Mundo Lake: 6" ice, 5" slush ice, 2" of snow
Stone Lake: 5" ice, 2" slush ice, 2" of snow
22 February 2022
We are in a winter storm here. Which is good news for the drought but bad news for fishing. Very high winds and blowing snow are making things pretty spicey, like green chili with five too many XXX hot chilis. The storm looks like it is going to stick around until Thursday. No fishing reports have been submitted...
Fish Crew checked ice this morning the results are as follows:
Mundo: 7" hard ice, 5" of firm slush, 3.5" snow, very difficult conditions to gage ice consistency USE EXTREME CAUTION.
Stone 4" hard ice, 2" of firm slush, 3.5" snow, HIGH-RISK ICE CONDITIONS best to wait until open water season!
17 February 2022
Just a quick update. We received a bit of an unexpected snowstorm last night and got about 6". This is good news, it was very wet so things are about to be very muddy. The mud isn't good news. Before this storm runoff was already underway, this means warm water was entering the lakes under and on top of the ice sheet. Due to this run off the Fish Crew went out this morning and surveyed Mundo Lake. Ice was still 6" with 4" of snow on top, but the east side of the lake and middle looked less than optimal from what we saw.
Be careful out there as things are changing rapidly.
As a reminder, our office will be closed all day Monday the 21st for Presidents Day.
14 February 2022
After the warm weekend, the ice took a little bit of a hit.
Ice conditions as of today around 10:00
Mundo: 6" ice 2" of slush and 2" of snow.
Stone Lake: 7" of ice and 2" of snow.
Ice conditions are shifting quickly due to high daytime temperatures (it's about 50 degrees outside this afternoon...). Use Extreme Caution.
Friendly reminder our office will be closed on February 21st, 2022 in honor of Presidents Day.
Office Closure
Folks just a notice that the Game and Fish Office will be closed all day Friday February 11th in honor of Jicarilla Day. We will resume normal operation on Monday the 14th. Don't forget Valentines Day Gentlemen (and Ladies) there is nothing your sweetie wants more than to go ice fishing!
February 7th 2022
One fishing report was submitted despite many anglers continuing to return to buy additional days of permits. This to me says the fishing must be pretty good. The report was from last weekend and indicated a dozen trout caught by a small group ranging from 20"-14". Please do the Fish Crew a favor and send in a report, especially if you are one of the many many many anglers who call asking for the inside scoop regularly. You are not keeping the best fishing in the state secret by not submitting a report. Despite rumors to the contrary the Fish Crew doesn’t go fishing all day.
Ice sheets remain stable
Mundo: 10” of ice and 8” of snow on top of the sheet
Embom: 10” of ice and 8” of snow on top of the sheet
Stone: 9” of ice and 8” of snow on top of the sheet.
January 31st 2022
Got a report from an angler on Friday he indicated having a blast on 12-19” trout, one fat 15” bass, and a 5-pound catfish mostly on small ice jigs and spoons. Sounds like the better part of awesome fishing to me.
Ice thickness from this morning
Stone: 8.5” ice 2 inches of powdery snow on top
Embom: 10” ice 2 inches of powdery snow on top
Mundo: 8” ice 2 inches of powdery snow on top
Good luck fishing, there apparently is a storm heading this way mid-week. I don’t want to jinx it so that’s all I say because we could use it.
January 25th 2022
Ice measurements were taken yesterday morning (24Jan2022). Conditions have seemed to stabilize but caution is still a very good idea.
Stone: 8”
Embom: 10”
Mundo: 7.5”
No one has submitted any reports, but the few local anglers I have talked to have mostly fished Mundo with anywhere from hot action to slow fishing on feather jigs, and bait. If you appreciate the fishing report and go fishing think about returning the favor and submitting a report to jicarillafishqs@gmail.com.
January 19th 2022
Ice conditions have improved vastly since last weeks report. Yesterday no slush was present at any of the lakes. Due to road conditions at Embom we will be closing the gate so walk in access only. Yesterday a group of folks fished Mundo and all managed their limits of trout with some 16-18” fish as well as one catfish. No fishing reports have been submitted by anglers.
Ice was checked Tuesday the 18th in the afternoon:
Mundo: 7” of ice
Embom: 8” of ice
Stone: 8” of ice
Good luck fishing!
January 13th 2022
Folks just a quick end of week ice update. Conditions seem to be improving but there is still some inconsistent ice and slush possible in the heat of the day. Use your best judgement and remember safety is no accident. Our office will be closed Monday the 17th of January in recognition of Martin Luther King Jr. Day.
Mundo Lake: 5-7"
Stone 5"
January 10th 2022
At 9:00 this morning the better half of the Fish Crew went out and checked the ice. At all lakes highly variable ice thickness. There was lot of evidence of folks fishing and during the day slush on top of the ice sheets is present at all lakes except Embom. Day time temperatures and a late freeze have slowed ice sheet development.
Ice Fishing is inherently dangerous, safety is no accident, engage in ice fishing at your own risk.
Mundo: 4”-6.5” with thinning of the ice prevalent more toward the south side of the lake. Slush during the heat of the day at least 2”. Road is passable but muddy with rutted snow, 4x4 recommended.
Embom: 7” at the middle of the lake. No direct access to the lake must park on J-8 and walk to the lake for access.
Stone: at 10:45 this morning 4” of ice and 3” of slush.
-Fish Crew
January 6th 2022
We have had unseasonably warm weather today and are projected currently to continue with well above freezing day time temperatures throughout the weekend. Due to the fragile state of the newly developed ice sheets and extremely muddy road conditions I would ask that you postpone any planned fishing until the ice sheet can be re-evaluated Monday by the Fish Crew. We will update the blog with the new ice conditions on Monday.
This winter just can't get its mind made up!
January 3rd 2022
We are getting close after this last cold weather blast. J-8 is packed snow driving conditions, and lake access roads have 0-14” of snow with some larger drifts. 4X4 Required for direct lake access, please drive with great care. USE EXTREME CAUTION, participating in fishing activities is at your own risk.
Mundo Lake: 5” of ice 30 yards out from boat ramp. Open water now closed, but high variability in the ice sheet where recently frozen. 0-12” of snow on ice sheet.
Embom Lake: 5.5” of ice 30 yards out from dam. 0-12” of snow on ice sheet.
Stone Lake: 5” of ice 30 yards out from east boat ramp. 0-6” of snow on ice sheet.
-Fish Crew
Holiday Season
Merry Christmas Week Fish Fans,
Just a quick update as the Fish Crew was pretty good this year, and those pounds don’t pack themselves onto our waist lines.
Fishing Derby: Three tagged fish were turned in for prizes during the open water season. We still have many prizes left to give out, and if memory serves me correctly that leaves close to thirty tagged fish swimming around. If you catch a tagged fish, please pull the tag and turn it into Game & Fish. Accommodations can be made for out of towners, but no tag = no prize so don’t lose the tag. Good Luck.
Ice Update:
Mundo: 0.5” of ice still has open water. Very unstable ice sheet. Not going to be in shape to fish anytime soon if current weather pattern continues.
Embom: 5” of ice unstable ice sheet. Getting close, but very weather dependent at this time.
Stone: 4” of ice, getting close, but highly weather dependent especially if wind continues to shift ice sheet.
Our voicemail at the office has been repaired you can also contact the fish crew through the website contact us or by emailing jicarillafishqs@gmail.com.
The Fish Crew Wishes You All A Happy Holiday Season!
Off Season or In-between Season
It is starting to get wintery out, better late than never. I would imagine open water season is over, and hard water season isn’t quite ready. Normally we have fish-able ice around Christmas, but this year has been so abnormal it will be a real struggle to give you a date somewhere in the future to plan an ice fishing trip. I’ll keep you all updated as ice reports are taken. There is another winter storm supposedly coming through this week, I’ve got my fingers crossed!
Embom has a full ice sheet less than 1” thick
Mundo is approximately 50% covered less than 1” thick
Stone is approximately 70% covered less than 1” thick
NO ICE IS SAFE ICE! Ice fishing season is not here yet.
Just to keep you aware of office business: Due to the holidays the Game & Fish Office will be closed the following days in observance of the holidays:
December 23rd from 12 noon-5pm
December 24th 8am-5pm (all day)
December 30th from 12 noon-5pm
December 31st 8am-5pm (all day)
Happy Holidays!
-The Fish Crew
It sure doesn’t feel like December outside, which is not good news for the drought. It has been unseasonably warm. Fishing has been pretty consistent especially for anglers fishing deeper as the fish settle in for the cold months. No reports have been submitted this week. If you have tried calling the office to get an update and noticed the line not working properly, we are still here but were having some technical issues with our voicemail system. These issues have been fixed.
There has been some shelf ice in the mornings but the lakes have been clear of this by mid-morning and it easily punched through to launch a boat. It may cause some issues for early morning shore anglers.
-The Fish Crew
It sure doesn’t feel like December outside, which is not good news for the drought. It has been unseasonably warm. Fishing has been pretty consistent especially for anglers fishing deeper as the fish settle in for the cold months. No reports have been submitted this week. If you have tried calling the office to get an update and noticed the line not working properly, we are still here but were having some technical issues with our voicemail system. These issues have been fixed.
There has been some shelf ice in the mornings but the lakes have been clear of this by mid-morning and it easily punched through to launch a boat. It may cause some issues for early morning shore anglers.
-The Fish Crew
I have not received any fishing reports from last week. It has been cooler which is good, but I’m already sick of this time change. It’s dark when I drive to work, and dark when I drive home. There could be a few more weeks of open water if the current weather pattern holds but I’m expecting thin shelf ice around the edges of the lake in the mornings.
Due to the upcoming Thanksgiving Holiday the JGFD Office will be closed from 12:00 noon on November 24th and will reopen at 8:00am on Monday November 29th. If we don't see you before then have a Happy and Healthy Thanksgiving!
-The Fish Crew
Veterans Day
Just a reminder the Jicarilla Game and Fish Department will be closed November 11th and 12th in observation of Veterans Day.
Celebrate and honor our veterans this weekend!
November 8th 2021
One fishing report came in and it indicated excellent fishing at Mundo Lake. Fish between 12 and 22 inches (two fish over twenty is excellent in any reasonable book). The angler reported streamer, dragon fly nymphs, and snail patterns producing. Get while the getting is good, because despite the weather today winter has to be right around the corner.
Bigger is Better
After some much needed rain from the Bomb Cyclone earlier this week sunny skies have returned to the Jicarilla Apache Nation. Fishing should remain active for a few more weeks if the weather holds and anglers have been trickling in in search of their trout fix. Reports have not been trickling in. One theme I’m becoming aware of is anglers catching small fish on small flies, and big fish on big flies. If I were going fishing, I would consider this theme especially in the fall. Our trout are not under fed and when food is in excess sometimes a reflex or aggression take is your only hope. Aggression takes are much easier to get with a larger streamer than with a small nymph, this theme succinctly summarizes why spinner and rapala anglers out fish fly guys, its easy to get mad and lash out at something in your way, but not easy to lash out at something you never see. Just food for thought as it were.
October 18th 2021
Fall has arrived in full her glory, with snow on a lot of the high peaks around the area and below freezing temperatures at night. Water surface temperatures have ranged between 48-53 degrees making fishing pretty hot. No reports have been submitted but talking to some folks around town it appears fishing has been stellar. Fish between 10-19" being regularlly caught on flies and lures. The water bobber and wooly bugger trick was getting plenty of action today at Embom.
Two fish tags have been turned in for prizes thus far. Still many tags in both Embom and Mundo waiting to be collected!
Good luck fishing,
Day Permits
Just a reminder: Day permits are valid from midnight to midnight of the day selected. They are not valid 24 hours from purchase, only the 24 hours that comprise the day listed on the permit. If you purchase a permit for the 30th at noon on the 30th it is valid for 11 hours and 59 minutes. This is industry standard across all permitted fishing I'm aware of.
Hope this clears up some confusion I have been hearing.
Non-Tribal Member Season Open
2021 Fishing Guests- as the Jicarilla Apache Nation continues to address the many challenges associated with the pandemic, we intend to move forward with an Abbreviated 2021-2022 fishing season. We will constantly monitor the latest public health information and safety protocols, and will do so throughout the season. The Jicarilla Apache Nation mandates masks in public places, social distancing, and strongly recommends visitors receive the COVID-19 vaccine prior to arriving. We respectfully request that our guests simply stay home if you don’t feel well. It will take all of us to make this fishing season healthy and successful. Thank you for your patience, cooperation, and understanding.
As of today September 20th, 2021 NTM Fishing is open. Due to the pandemic there have been some changes to the normal season and permitting process, all of those changes can be found in the 2021-2022 Non-Tribal Member Proclamation that is posted to the website. Please review the Proclamation before fishing.
At this time permits are only available in our Dulce Office during normal business hours!
As a welcome back we tagged some trout in Embom and Mundo. To collect a prize bring the tag to the Game & Fish Office during normal business hours. Tags are located on the back of the trout near the dorsal fin, tags are orange in color. Grab the tag as close to the fish as possible and pull hard to remove. If you are a catch and release kind of angler just remove the tag and return the fish.
-The Fish Crew
Update 07 March 2021
Attention Non-Tribal Member Anglers:
The Jicarilla Game & Fish Department is tentatively planning to open Non-Tribal Fishing at our world-famous lakes starting in the Fall of 2021.
We understand what fishing at our lakes means to you, and hope you know that your contribution to recreational fisheries and fish conservation is significant and means a lot to us. Please look forward to updates as they become available on the fishing blog.
We are slowly re-integrating into the office and field season is right around the corner. Please contact The Fish Crew at jicarillafishqs@gmail.com or via phone at the office (575)-759-3255.
Please stay safe and we hope to see you soon,
~The Fish Crew
Happy New Year
Happy New Year Fish Folks!!!
Just a reminder the Nation remains closed to non-tribal fishing and recreational activities at this time. As stated in the original memos and announcements this closure will remain in effect at least until the end of the permit season, at that time the situation will be reevaluated.
We miss our anglers as much as you miss the fishing, I promise.
Please stay safe and look after eachother. Let's continue to hope we can put this behind us as quickly as possible and return to our fishing.
09 December 2020
I know it has been a long absence but with the closure priorities have been shifted to other duties, and it turns out there are a lot of other duties.
We remain closed to recreational fishing activities.
I know a lot of you are chomping at the bit, and truthfully we are too.
From the Jicarilla Game & Fish Department a Safe and Happy Holiday Season to you and yours!
2020 Closure Announced
Please see the attached Executive Order:
As always The Fisheries Crew is available via e-mail jicarillafishqs@gmail.com for questions.
Hope all is well with you and yours,
Checking In
Sorry for the long absence, but the Fish Crew has been doing a little fishing of their own.
There are no updates or changes to the current closure.
We will keep you up to date as soon as new information becomes available.
25 June 2020
We have been getting quite a few Non-Tribal anglers showing up and attempting to fish. Which is sort of curious since none of these anglers had a fishing permit as we are not selling them due to the closure. Fishing without a permit is a serious offense as is violating the closure both carry 500.00 dollar fines and will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.
Respecting the closure will increase the likelihood of an earlier opening.
Please spread the word, there are way too many rumors circling the fishing community in places like Albuquerque, Santa Fe, Bernalillo, and beyond...
Stay safe out there folks,
22 June 2020
It is hot, dry, and windy still. Smoke from multiple nearby fires is settling in the area overnight, and making my allergies ten times worse. So I've got that going for me. One slight positive to the weather I guess, is that hot, dry and windy never make for good fishing, so we are not missing out as much as we feel like we are given the circumstances.
We remain closed to non-tribal member anglers and recreation.
Hope all is well, and stay safe out there,
15 June 2020
It has been a dry windy start to the summer.
The situation has not changed and we remain closed to recreational activities like fishing.
Talks are occurring weekly on how staff can and will be returning to full time work soon, but no firm dates have been set. Obviously all staff will have to be back in 100% percent capacity before recreational activities are resumed, so I see this as progress.
As I've mentioned quite a few times the Fish Crew is mostly working from home so e-mail is the best method of contacting us. jicarillafishqs@gmail.com for through the contact us portion of the website.
Stay safe and healthy out there,
02 June 2020
Just a quick note. The situation has not changed and we remain closed.
As usual I will update as soon as I know anything, or you can contact the Fish Crew at jicarillafishqs@gmail.com
Hope all is well,
20 May 2020
Just a quick note this week. The weather has been hot, windy and dry and the fire season seems to have already started. It appears the end of the lock downs might be in sight.
Currently we are still closed to all fishing and recreational activities. Despite the rampant rumors going around the greater Albuquerque area, and I've heard quite a few over the last two months, just goes to show you really can't trust fishermen!
Stay Healthly Stay Safe,
11 May 2020
Nothing to report. Just to check in and pass along positive thoughts for all those impacted by our "new normal". The fish crew has been staying very busy with the chores we can. It turns out a lot of the traveling we usually do this time of year was all done via webinar, and if you've been forced into week long webinars you are also well aware that they are not much fun.
No updates on the closure of fishing, but as soon as I have more information I will gladly share it. As always you can get ahold of the fish crew at jicarillafishqs@gmail.com
Stay Safe Stay Healthy.
04 May 2020
There appears to be rumors going around about opening the lakes to non-tribal or non-resident anglers. As with every rumor I have heard from any fisherman, they are very untrue.
The Fish Crew wants life to return to normal just as much, if not more than everyone else so we WILL BE the First to inform you of any changes to the fishing situation. Because we are the Fish Crew and it is kind of our job.
Quick Update
Not much to update. Situation remains the same. Just wanted to remind folks that the fisheries staff is mostly working from home and is on site on a on call basis. So if you have a question please use the e-mail app on our website or sent it to jicarillafishqs@gmail.com. I do not have access to voicemails remotely, I will return calls when I get to the office, but that is not frequently. A few folks have left messages but I was unable to hear their names/numbers/etc. probably due to bad cell phone service.
Just a reminder the fishing derby has been postponed until further notice.
I will keep posting as new information becomes available.
Hope we can all resume normal life very soon!
16 April 2020
It's with much sadness that the Fisheries Crew must announce the postponement of our May 2nd Fishing Derby. Due to the ongoing public health concerns we will be postponing the 14th Annual Derby until further notice. Please check back as we will keep updating the blog as new information becomes available.
07 April 2020
No new updates as the situation here is the same. I will continue to update as we get new information.
Stay healthly out there,
25 March 2020
Just a quick update to inform you all that the situation has not changed and the closure remains in place. I have been getting lots of calls from anglers but would encourage you all if you need/want to chat with the Fish Crew to use e-mail. Either the contact us format on the website or at jicarillafishqs@gmail.com. We are mostly working from home so do not have access to voicemail, but do have access to e-mail.
Take care,
On March 18th, 2020 the President of the Jicarilla Nation has instituted a reservation wide recreational CLOSURE.
!!!Effective Immediately all Lakes, Rivers and associated camping areas are CLOSED until further notice!!!
The Fish Crew will keep the blog updated as new information becomes available.
16 March 2020
After the recent weather Mundo, Embom, and Stone is free from ice this morning.
The weatherman is saying the next few days could include snow, wind, rain, and all sorts of other goodies. Access roads to all lakes could be very wet and muddy.
We are in the process of road work at Mundo Lake, please exercise extreme caution during weekday working hours as there is expected heavy machinery and truck traffic.
09 March 2020
Based on the volume of calls it appears some of you are chomping at the bit to get out of the house and get some fishing in. Sitting and watching ice melt is the outdoor version of watching paint dry if you all were curious.
As of this morning, Mundo is 98% covered, Embom is 100% covered, and Stone is 60% covered. The ice is deteriorating quickly especially with the rain yesterday. I have been telling folks 2-3 weeks for complete ice out, of course, this is just a guess. With more rain, it could be much shorter, with more cold it could be a bit longer...
The Fish Crew will keep you updated as the situation develops.
Ice season is closed, but it is not open water season yet. Stone Lake has five to ten feet of open water around the edge of the lake. Mundo is still covered but deteriorating quickly.
New Permit year starts April 1st
Fishing Derby is May 2nd
The Fish Crew will keep you updated as the situation progresses. We sure could use more snow, it's not looking great as far as the water year is concerned.
The better half of the Fish Crew put up the No fishing signs yesterday afternoon (24 February 2020). Ice conditions continue to erode very quickly at all lakes.
Will update as open water fishing becomes available.
19 February 2020
Ice sheet continues to decline. Mundo is at 7" and Embom is at 6". No slush on the ice. Stone Lake remains unsafe for human travel.
As the sheet starts its decline it becomes more and more unstable, and consistent thickness across the whole lake is less and less likely. Be smart and be safe. I would suggest starting to re-rig the open water gear and get the float tubes patched up.
10 February 2020
Mundo Ice 9" which shows a decline in ice thickness
Embom Ice 7" which shows a decline in ice thickness
All roads are rutted and muddy after the warm weekend and heavy traffic. Consider not using the access roads and parking off the pavement and walking in from the eastside of Mundo. Saving the road is good for everyone...
03 February 2020
Ice is in similar conditions to last week. After the crazy warm weekend, the roads are muddy. Use extreme caution. Two anglers were kind enough to submit reports, both said about the same thing limits of 10-16" trout all on jigs, and big surprise wax worms.
The weatherman said snow is coming so use your best judgment when traveling, no fish is worth a stay in the ditch.
30 January 2020
I received a report from an angler who "had the best weekend ever" at Mundo. She was even nice enough to include a picture of her husband, who she let come fishing with her. Get out and enjoy the ice season before it is too late.
27 January 2020
Quick update. Warm weather over the weekend and then snow today. Who knows what the short term forecast has in store.
10 inches of ice at Mundo, holes with signs of fish being caught
9 inches of ice at Embom, holes with signs of fish being caught
Stone is seperating from the edge on the east side and had less that 6" at the boat ramp.
No angler reports submitted. That makes my blog writing easier...
22 January 2020
Winter conditions currently on all roads in and around the Nation. Unsure what the weatherman is saying about it, but I suggest you make a point to check the weather before venturing this way. Warmer weather and wet "snow rain" have caused some slush on the ice sheet. Be very careful as conditions can change very quickly. Roads are very wet and muddy, use east access to Mundo.
I wanted to make sure we got folks thinking warm thoughts... Get out your calendars and pencil in the 14th Annual Jicarilla Fishing Derby for May 2nd, 2020! The Fisheries Crew will post updates as they become available. But I didn't want to hear about not enough advance notice on our derby this year, so 4.75 months advanced notice is hopefully sufficient.
No fishing reports were submitted by anglers.
14 January 2019
We got our first uncoerced fishing report of the ice fishing season. Sounds like good fishing on jigs and worms at Mundo. With the standard, well doucmented mid-day lull in catches. No suprises here, if you are a regular angler of Mundo.
Ice conditions remain similar to the last post. Winter driving conditions have been present with light snows early this week. Drive safe and remember you can always access Mundo from the east side off the highway to avoid the dirt road if conditions are not great. This helps keep the road in decent condition and you avoid having to wash your truck on the way home.
Ice season won't last forever, get out and enjoy before it is to late.
06 January 2020
No fishing reports have been submitted... Which is slightly strange since quite a few folks have been fishing... Luckily the Fish Crew's better half through some fishing efforts of his own knows fishing has been HOT. Multiple fish over 20" caught over the last weekend. All types of bait working, jigs and so forth doing very well, even one angler using green peas had excellent success.
Mundo: 6-8"
Embom: 6-8"
Stone: 6" but not consistent in thickness across all samples.
Go fishing, Submit reports, be happy,
02 January 2020
Happy New Year!
We have not recieved a single report from fishermen or women. Luckily for you readers the better half of the Fish Crew went fishing over the weekend (The better half is not the half that writes the blog). Sounded like from his report there were 18 folks out at Mundo over the weekend and everyone was catching.
Mundo 5-8" of ice
Embom 5-8" of ice
Don't forget to help out and submit reports! Make it a new years resolution?
The Fish Crew will return to the office on January the 6th. The office will be back on normal business hours on January the 6th as well.
Happy New Year!
Ice Report 23 December 2019
Just a quick update on ice conditions. This will be the last update until after the new year.
Mundo: 5-6" clear ice in all three locations tested
Embom: 6-8" clear in all three locations tested
Stone Lake: Ice sheet not connected to shore with open water present around the edges. Where the sheet is connected 1 inch or less of ice. VERY UNSAFE!!!
Merry Christmas from the Fisheries Crew!
19 December 2019
The ice season is just beginning to shape up. All the lakes have variable ice sheets with some areas of concern.
Mundo 3"-4.5" depending on location, unstable and variable especially near edges and boat ramp.
Embom 3-5" depending on location
Stone Lake 2-3" depending on location, very unstable and variable
The Fisheries Crew was not able to sample many locations due to the high variability and safety concerns during sampling. As always your personal safety is your responsibility. No ice sheet is "safe" and excellent individual judgement is required when going out on any iced water body.
If the weather patterns hold the Christmas prediction of good conditions may still hold.
12 December 2019
Holiday Time!
Rain last week set our ice sheets back significantly. Currently, the ice sheet at Mundo is not fully connected to shore and is soft. Embom was soft and approximately 3 inches.
The winter holiday season will see light staff around the office. We will be closed the following days.
Closed the afternoon of 24th December (1-5pm)
Closed on the 25-27th of December
Closed the afternoon of 31st of December (1-5pm)
Closed on the 1st-3rd on January
The Fish Crew will be taking much deserved holidays starting the 16th and will return to full duties on the 6th of January. We will have intermittent access to e-mail. Ice updates will be posted to the blog when new information is received.
Merry Christmas,
05 December 2019
Just a quick update.
Mundo is fully covered in sheet ice, but is not safe for on ice travel.
Embom has 3" of soft ice, but is not safe for on ice travel.
If current trends continue it seems a Christmas ice season is possible. Obviously my crystal ball on the weather is very cloudy.
Roads are very muddy, and snow packed in some areas.
The Fish Crew will keep you updated as the conditions develop,
26 November 2019
It is full-blown winter this morning, and according to the weatherman, more winter is on its way. Roads are going to be a mix of snow packed on top of mud and mud, ice and snow on all paved roads with high winds and blowing snow.
Yesterday Mundo had sheet ice around the edges of most of the lake while Embom was 85% covered in sheet ice. No ice fishing yet, but if this weather holds it might only be a few weeks away.
The Department will be closed for the Turkey Day holiday 1/2 day the 27th full day 28th and 29th.
I will update the blog on our return Monday the 2nd of December.
Enjoy the holiday!
21 November 2019
Only one report was submitted this week. Two fishermen at Mundo caught 55 fish in 4 hours between 12-16" on wooly buggers and hares ears.
On a side note, it rained all day yesterday and snowed most of the morning today. All roads will be very muddy and access will be difficult. Stay off of dirt roads if possible. The weatherman says more moisture is due throughout the day today.
Be careful out there,
13 November 2019
No reports have been submitted but the Fisheries Crew has talked to a few fishermen. Most were reporting 30 fish days with minimal effort, the southeast corner of Mundo was mentioned as fishing well. Also, some anglers noted fishing being slower per hour at Embom but bigger fish on average. All lures, bait, and flies seemed to be working equally well among the anglers we spoke with.
It is almost the holidays, and that means winter. I'd go fishing sooner rather than later.
11 November 2019
Just an FYI all docks at Mundo have been put up for the winter. Shore/boat fishing is still open and sounds like folks are doing very well.
06 November 2019
Fishing reports indicate 20-80+ fish days at Mundo with bait, castmasters, spinners and flies of all sorts, fish reported this week range in size from 14-24". No reports from Embom or Stone have been submitted. The fish crew conducted its fall Stone Lake survey and as anticipated Rainbow Trout approximately 16" average were fat and healthy.
As usual this time of year sees higher angler traffic, and quite a few fishing proclamation infractions have been noted. Please read the fishing proclamation before going fishing, you can download the .pdf to your phone for quick reference. It also seems quite a few issues arise from "rumors" going around. All proclamation rules are in effect and have not changed, regardless of what rumors your fishing buddy heard. By signing your permit you are legally saying you have read and understand the rules.
Happy Halloween
Happy Halloween Fish Fans,
Received one report from Mundo Lake a group of four or five each caught their limits from shore on assorted powerbaits. Fish averaged 14-16". Have heard vague rumors of larger fish coming out of Embom, but, a fisherman told us, and you know what they say about those guys and gals... I would give Embom a fair chance before the freeze, especially if it is windy at Mundo...
The Fish Crew has been busy with a river restoration project and is not in the office but sporadically during the days. If you have fishing questions please leave a voicemail or e-mail and we will return them as soon as we can (usually early in the morning or later in the evening before closing time).
Most of you are probably a little past the trick or treat ages so you should have plenty of time to go fishing!
23 October 2019
A couple of fishing reports were submitted both indicated 50 plus fish days on everything from damselfly patterns to streamers and assorted buggers. Fish reported as between 12-20 inches. Anglers reported excellent fishing at both Mundo and Embom lakes. I have only received reports from catch and release fly fishermen.
It has been downright subarctic in the morning with nighttime temperatures in the single digits to low double digits. So pack accordingly if you plan to show up early or stay late. We are under moderate to high fire risk so if you have a campfire please be extremely careful, it is very dry.
This year has been a weather rollercoaster so what happens next is anyone's guess.
16 October 2019
I guess a little internet poking caused a stir, and a fisherman submitted a report. Two anglers reported 100 plus fish day (8hrs of fishing) from Mundo between 14-18" on an assortment of flies including bunny leeches and size 14 nymphs. I don't own a fly shop, so I'm not in the business of selling flies... You don't need fancy things with silly names. If you own a fly shop you probably are cursing me, but a well-presented simple fly will always produce better than a poorly presented fad. This is good news for those who tie flies, as you don't need to learn those new step intensive flies to catch fish. This isn't the Henry's Fork. Focus on technique not fly patterns.
Get out and enjoy the season before it is over.
10 October 2019
On a recent trip to the big city, a fisherman tracked me down and gave me a really good report from Enbom from last weekend. He said the fishing was difficult but fish were in the 18-22" range and using his fish finder he saw many more that were a little smarter than he was. He said the weeds were manageable but he only used a floating line and lighter flies.
No reports submitted on any other of the lakes, but it sure looks good out there.
I know I'm going fishing this weekend, you should too!
07 October 2019
Luckily for you, the Fisheries Tech has been hounding people, because not a soul has submitted a fishing report since this spring/summer. I know many folks read the blog, but it seems many do not understand how this is put together. Despite the rumors, the fisheries crew does not fish for a living. All of the information provided in the blog is from reports submitted by anglers. I really would prefer not to hound folks who are fishing, as that's not why folks go fishing. Therefore without angler reports the quality and quantity of information being provided in the blog suffers. I think some folks are trying to keep these lakes a secret or may feel they are protecting their honey hole. But who knows.
We get constant calls and e-mails requesting sometimes very specific information but are not getting reports in return. So consider submitting a report.
The Tech talked to two anglers and one reported lots of fish in the 14-16" range and another reported an 18" fish. Both on unspecified bait at Mundo Lake.
The mornings have been cold and the colors are starting to change quickly.
Regardless of reports, If I wasn't working I'd be fishing,
27 September 2019
No reports were received from anglers.
The night time temperatures have cooled significantly this week, despite higher than normal daytime temperatures. We were even fortunate enough to get a nice afternoon of rain on Monday. Roads are dry now of course.
I have a great feeling about this year's fall fishing.
Get out, submit a report, be happy,
No fishing reports have been submitted, but requests for specialized reports are on the rise. I guess fall fever has hit some off our anglers. The Fish Crew went sleuthing around and found anglers reporting consistent action in the mornings with it slowing significantly during the afternoon. Fish reported have been in the 12-17" range with one angler mentioning losing a fish that jumped three times at the better part of 21". You know what they say about fish tales, no pictures, no proof. The angler was quite sure it was the best fish she had hooked in a long time, so who am I to argue. Anglers from boats have been doing best but one angler indicated the east side dock was fishing well.
Fall has been delayed, so I would imagine peak fishing will be the starting early to mid-October. Those are just the Fish Crews predications.
Get out and go fishing football can wait,
Fishing Time
No reports have been submitted. I did see a very nice bass photo posted online from Mundo Lake. Though it is hard to get an accurate measurement from a photo the fish appears to be in the 18" range, which with how fat it was could be close to five pounds.
The Nation will be on Administrative Leave from 11th of September and will return to their offices on the 18th of September. So you will not be able to purchase a permit at the Game & Fish office during this time. The Casino and Hotel will be open.
Get out and go fishing,
Fall is...almost...kind of...
Anglers have been out and about, slowly but surely. I have not received any reports from them, but folks in town have mentioned float tubers and bank anglers on a few of the lakes the last week. Two anglers yesterday at Mundo were catching 12-14" inch Rainbow Trout in the morning, but larger fish were elusive. Temperatures are still getting very summery during the day, but it is finally cooling off nicely at night. If you are into Catfish this might be the last few weeks of the active bite before they slow down for winter.
Of course hunting season has started and obviously that takes precedence for many of our part-time anglers. I told my wife I wouldn't be home much and for most of September, she would be a fishing-widow. Now she just laughs when I tell her such things.
Get out and enjoy the remainder of the season, before you know it I'll be posting ice thickness and snow reports.
Quick Update
Aquatic invasive species (AIS) are currently spreading at incredible rates throughout the United States, but in particular in the Southwest. Obviously, if you are an angler you have seen signs about clean, drain, dry and disinfect your fishing equipment before fishing new waters as it has been in the news and boat ramps for the better part of a decade. Aquatic invasive species including New Zeland Mudsnails, Quagga Muscles, Zebra Muscles, and many aquatic plant species pose a huge risk to fisheries.
Currently, the State of New Mexico and the Jicarilla Apache Nation are clean and do not have populations of AIS species. We would all like to keep it that way.
All boats must be clean, drained, and dried before launching at Jicarilla Lakes. Equipment like waders and float tubes need to be sterilized/disinfected before entering our waters, as should be common practice for traveling anglers.
We here at Jicarilla Game and Fish would like to remind anglers that the introduction of any of these species to the Nation would severely impact the fisheries you all come here to enjoy. So each and every one of you must do your part to limit the risk of accidentally transporting invasive species.
We will be implementing inspections of watercraft and equipment in the near future to further prevent the chances of any accidental introduction.
If you have questions on how to do your part contact the fisheries crew at (575) 759-3255 or jicarillafishqs@gmail.com
Summer Heat Wave
No fishing reports were submitted in my absence.
The Game Wardens did contact a few anglers and the theme was bait fishing was slow, while spinners and flies were fishing better. It has been very hot and sunny, and the monsoon seems to have taken a break.
Stay out of the sun if you can, evening fishing is better fishing this time of year.
No fishing reports have been submitted.
Which is not to say no fishing has been done, just everyone is keeping it to themselves. There really are not too many secrets around fishing, lots of rumors of secrets, but no real secrets. If you don't submit a report, you are not keeping your favorite lake from blowing up in popularity. Everyone wants up to date reports, but no one seems to want to submit them. Just as a reminder reports can be submitted on the website or by e-mailing jicarillafishqs@gmail.com
To the young man I excavated a treble hook out of last week, did your thumb heal up okay?
No one went out and tried the damsel hatch?
The Fish Crew will be on leave starting this afternoon and will return to the office Monday the 19th. If you have an emergency please call Jicarilla Police Department at 575-759-3222. I will respond to all e-mails and voice mails when I return.
Get out and enjoy,
Quick Updates
No fishing reports have been submitted. I'm starting to sound like a broken record but it seems everyone wants updates but no one wants to give one. I know some folks have been out but I have not heard from them.
Last week someone asked me how I would go about fishing the lake during this time of the year. First I wouldn't be caught out before 6:00 pm and I would probably wrap up at 10:30 pm or when my tummy told me it was grub time. By 5:00 most evenings (that I have been on the lake) the damselflies are cruising low and getting seriously hammered by trout. I'd focus on that bite after the monsoons have been hitting and the temperatures cool since the fish are getting active.
Now I know some of you are saying "but, but, I don't like dry fly fishing...", but the person asked me how I would go about it. I'd also be at the river, hiking habitat to habitat covering miles of water capitalizing on those browns. Using Clouser minnows and some form of crayfish pattern. It is not for the faint-hearted or the weak ankled, but most trophies don't come easy.
Stay home in the A/C or get after it and use some nontraditional times/patterns/techniques to catch big fish. My house doesn't have A/C so I'm going to choose the getting after it approaches!
Get out, and get after it,
Big Browns
Have you been bummed about the lakes slowing down in the heat? For those adventurous anglers, the river should be fishing very well. I heard a rumor that crayfish flys are the ticket. Actually, I know for a fact crayfish flys are the ticket.
Just a quick update on a cool nationwide project we have brought to Mundo Lake. @flybraryproject is a neat concept of public fly boxes if you need a fly take a fly, have a fly leave a fly. Of course, this whole process works on the honor system, and the Fish Crew donated a dozen proven winners to start the process. I know a lot of you float tube addicts have a homebrew favorite pattern that you could spare one or two of. It also acts as a neat way for me to see what folks have been using at the lake. Based on the loaded vests and tube pockets I know more than a few of you have a fly collection problem, this is one simple way to trim down your assortments.
The Flybrary is located on the new bear-proof trashcan on the spillway at Mundo.
This sweet Seadek Flybrary patch was free from Castaway Customs (castawaycustoms.com), so not exactly an endorsement just a great way to build the fishing community. Who doesn't love free neat stuff?
Back Home and Back at Work
After a much-needed road trip around the breadbasket of America, I have returned. In my absence, no fishing reports were submitted by anglers. The weather has been furnace-like, and as always happens the cold water fishing is slowing down, and of course, the warm water fishing should be heating up. Not to say a trout or two won’t get caught, but springtime 50 fish days are a thing for the upcoming fall.
I have been getting reports of weeds and vegetation making sinker fishing difficult. This is always the case in the summer as sunlight and warm temperatures make the vegetation grow at vigorous rates. We are going to be going into our normal monsoonal patterns if you still insist on listening to the weather professionals on the television.
Enjoy the summer, go catfishing, make fish tacos, be happy!
Quick Update
The Youth Jicarilla Wild C.O.R.E program was a success and wrapped up today with kids fishing. The whole department and The Fish Crew was busy baiting hooks, teaching knot tying, and probably most important untangling every pole catastrophe that occurred at the lake.
No fishing reports have been submitted…
That being said it has been really hot and sunny so I think summer is finally here in full bloom. My allergies are telling me that every plant under the sun is enjoying the weather. It is probably time to consider warm water species fishing.
The Fish Crew will be on a two week vacation so there will be no new fishing reports posted until the week of July 15th.
Enjoy the Holidays!
Quick Update
Just a quick update. On June 27th the Department will be holding its second annual "Jicarilla Wild C.O.R.E." youth program BBQ and kids fishing day at Mundo Lake.
What does this mean: Kids from kindergarten to high school will undergo 3 days of extensive fish and wildlife conservation education as well as learn important hunting and fishing skills that will serve them for all their years.
What does this mean for you: There will be about 300 people including about 240 children fishing, eating hamburgers, learning about boating safety, how to cook a trout, and how to rig a fishing pole at Mundo lake from 9:00 to 3:00. This last day of the event is going to be fun for the participants, but for you fishermen and fisherladies who were planning on a fishing trip, I would recommend Embom Lake, or picking another day.
Quick Update
Just a picture I snapped today at Embom. The weeds are coming in quick at Embom but the fishing is still going well for those with the touch. This guy is a fish hound for sure. There also is a picture of a real monster caught at Embom on our instagram page, you can find it on the homepage by clicking the camera icon.
June 18th 2019
Fishing reports are coming in from my local on the ground troops, but I have not received any recent reports from out of town anglers. Fishing has been better in the late evening and early morning, which should be no surprise since temperatures have been high 70’s and low 80’s and sunny during the day. Powerbait, fly and water bobber, and fly anglers using sinking type lines have all reported excellent catches. Anglers willing to walk away from the popular spots have also been rewarded with larger fish.
It feels like summer is here to stay, and we are thankful for the amazing spring. It might be getting time to shift gears and start thinking about warm water action, especially during the heat of the day.
June 10th 2019
Photo: Two anglers combined bag at Mundo June 10th 2019
Received three reports from this weekend and the previous week. Mixed emotions with some anglers doing very well and others not so good. Local anglers are still reporting excellent catches especially in the morning and evening, with day time fishing slowing significantly if it is high heat and direct sun.
Today we had the Mundo road regraded so it is smooth sailing until the next monsoon. As always if you are hand loading a float tube, and your vehicle doesn’t like the road due to mud or ruts you can easily load off the highway right near the dam, it is only a 20 yard walk.
This morning two of our regulars where hammering fish and even said the catfish bite was starting to turn on. Largest trout was 17” and the biggest catfish was 18”.
Go fish, before it gets to be full on summer,
Spring Fishing
No fishing reports have been submitted, but the Fish Crew has been hounding folks at the lake for your benefit. It turns out this year continues to provide great fishing. Anglers mentioned excellent catches and many fish an hour at both Mundo and Enbom. Some of the highlights have been multiple fish at 20 inches caught at Enbom lake this week and quite a few in the 16-18” range. Consistent catches on silver spinners, olive wooly buggers, hares ears and prince nymphs. Anglers mentioned overcast days producing more fish than bright sunny days. Anglers who are willing to get off the spillway and venture into less pressured areas are producing more, and larger fish. So it is business as usually as far as I can tell. The weather has been highly variable with the weatherman being wrong more than right (per usual).
Get out and go fishing, submit reports, be happy!
Misplaced Equipment
On Wednesday May 29th 2019 it was discovered that the Jicarilla Game & Fish Departments thermograph system had been removed from Mundo Lake. This system was deployed on April 15th 2019, and was last seen by staff on Thursday May 23rd. This equipment monitors hourly lake temperature at three levels in the lake (top, middle, and bottom). The data collected has to be manually downloaded, but continuous hourly temperatures will be recorded for up to five years per device. They are meant to be deployed for long periods of time, and only downloaded when data is needed for analysis.
The system was comprised of three thermographs suspended by a foam buoy with orange “JGFD” painted on it in two locations. Black nylon rope (approximately 1/2” in diameter) was attached at the top to the buoy and at the bottom by metal cans filled with concrete (anchoring it to the bottom). The rope was approximately 36 feet in the length.
The three thermographs were Hobo Pro V2 models made by ONSET (see photos). The serial numbers of the missing units are as follows:
Top: 10872907
Middle: 10873306
Bottom: 10855082
These temperature data loggers are approximately $120.00 each, but the data they collect can never be replaced once the equipment is lost or stolen.
JGFD will be deploying a new system because this data is very important for continued trophy fisheries management. If you become entangled in the thermograph system, break or cut your line immediately, do no pull up the system or tamper with it in any way!
If you have any information relating to this missing equipment or why thermographs are being deployed please contact Jacob Mazzone at Jicarilla Game & Fish Department by calling (575) 759-3255 or through e-mail at jicarillafishqs@gmail.com
Misplaced Equipment
Today I went out to Mundo Lake and noticed our Thermograph equipment was gone. Some of you may have noticed a white buoy with orange JGFD on it floating in the north east corner of the lake. This buoy was suspending multiple thermographs in the water column that all took hourly temperature readings. If you thought this was discarded refuse please contact me to set up a return of the equipment. Lake temperature monitoring is very import to fisheries management and the equipment is not inexpensive (but good luck pawning it). If you just thought you found a new anchor rope, please contact me. We just want to get our instruments back in the lake as soon as possible to keep collecting data. If you have any information or tips regarding this loss of equipment, please contact me.
The Office Number is (575) 759-3255 and my e-mail is jicarillafishqs@gmail.com
I was told this holiday weekend was very busy, with lots of fish caught. But no one has submitted any reports, of course lots of people called for them. From the information I gathered lots of fish were caught multiple 20" fish from Embom and one 26" fish from Mundo were the real highlights. I learned this information second hand, but it was from a normally credible source. If a fisherman can even be considered a credible source… The weather is supposed to stabilize but we are experiencing everything from sun, to snow flurries. As the water warms up the fishing should only get better.
On a very sad note today our parks and recreation crew found a 20” fish discarded in the trash at Embom. Please do not keep fish you do not wish to eat, they are quite happy being put back in the lake to fight another day. If you witness someone wasting fish, or keeping more than their limit please call the Game and Fish immediately (575-759-3255) or on the weekend you can call the Police Department so they can contact and dispatch an on duty warden (575-759-3222).
Please remember to submit reports.
Go fishing!
The picture below is of one of the Foresters here in town last week at Embom Lake.
Spring Weather
Spring is acting like, well, spring. It is raining and snowing off and on at many elevations and as a fish guy, things are going awesome. Weather of this nature is supposed to continue throughout the week, according to the professionals. After the drought of 2018, this is exactly what we needed. Fishing has been fantastic from local reports, but visiting anglers have not submitted any new reports since the last blog update. Water bobbler and flies, bait, spinners, and all manor of tackle have been producing full stringers. Water temperatures last week were 54 degrees at seven feet and 47 degrees at 18 feet. Things are still cold so fishing should only improve when temperatures begin to rise. Please remember to be respectful of the boat ramp parking situation at Mundo, it is a very popular spot these days. Don’t forget to check out Embom lake, I heard a rumor about the north side flats holding some nice fish.
May 9th 2019
I have to say it is turning into one of the most perfect springs I can remember. Rain makes for less fishing, but more water is more better! Bad English aside, roads are going to be very sloppy especially if the weatherman was correct when he said it should be raining off and on for the foreseeable future (at least through the weekend). Please use good judgement before tearing down wet roads, and consider parking on asphalt and walking in to the lakes if possible. It is Canada goose nesting season please use extreme caution and remain a safe distance away from nests.
I have been getting lots of fishing reports, and they are always quite interesting. Flies and lures have been out fishing bait, especially when it comes to fish size. Folks are reporting catches of 20 plus fish a day with pistol petes and fish in the 11-16”. Multiple anglers reported larger fish in the 18” to 20” range all on lures and flies. Boat and tube anglers seem to be out fishing shore anglers. Covering water this time of year is really important. On a side note the first rounds of stockings are completed for the spring.
Game wardens have been reporting that many anglers have not done their due diligence by not reading and understanding the fishing proclamation. Some of the most common violations have been fishing with two poles, and not knowing the limits. Please take the time to read the Proclamation, it is not very long, and it will save you from making a mistake that could result in a citation. It is available on multiple locations of the website, including the main page and is a downloadable .pdf you can save it to your smart phone for quick reference.
Un-safe boating and the loss of gear in the lake has come up again this year. Multiple rods have been reported missing (lost overboard) and at least one trolling motor. Please use common sense and all proper safety equipment if you are launching a tube or craft in the lakes. If you find any equipment please report it to the JGFD and turn it in so we can return it to the rightful owner.
Have a great weekend!
Derby Results
Photo: Quintin with his First Place Youth Catfish and 3rd Place Adult Catfish
We had beautiful weather for the 13th Annual Derby. The fishing was on fire most of the day, and we weighed in the most fish of any derby (at least during my tenure). The Top Place finishers are listed below. The competition was fierce, and folks had to play the tactics game all day to place in the top three. Most folks were so focused on trout that they forgot about the other categories which made one lucky Bluegill fisherman, who took home some loaded fly boxes and a new float tube. One youth also placed in the Adult Catfish Category so we hooked him up with 1st place youth and 3rd place adult prizes.
Rainbow Trout (Adult Division)
1st Herman Garcia with 5 Rainbow Trout weighing 5.965 pounds
2nd Moses Esquibel with 5 Rainbow Trout weighing 5.543 pounds
3rd Bob Martinez with 5 Rainbow Trout weighing 5.295 pounds
Bluegill (Adult Division)
Mike Pino with 1 Bluegill weighing 0.375 pounds
Channel Catfish (Adult Division)
1st Joseph Vigil with 10 Channel Catfish weighing 14.380 pounds
2nd Valentino Lucero with 3 Channel Catfish weighing 4.015 pounds
3rd Quintin Cheykaychi with 1 Channel Catfish weighing 2.460 pounds
Rainbow Trout (Youth Division)
1st Luis Cano with 5 Rainbow Trout weighing 4.915 pounds
2nd Stormy Bicenti with 5 Rainbow Trout weighing 3.675 pounds
3rd Jordon Victorino with 5 Rainbow Trout weighing 3.600 pounds
Channel Catfish (Youth Division)
1st Quintin Cheykaychi with 1 Channel Catfish weighing 2.460 pounds
2nd Arion Gonzales with 1 Channel Catfish weighing 1.008 pounds
25 April 2019
Busy spring fishing season and I have a few updates.
Three docks are out at Mundo, they may not be in their final resting places for the season, but three docks are fishable.
For those folks who asked the water temperature at Mundo Lake today at 11:43 was 12.46 C.
PSA: Spill way parking is tight, PLEASE DO NOT PARK IN FRONT OF THE BOAT RAMP, it is very inconsiderate. If you park to close to the ramp you run the risk of getting backed into. Please consider that a truck has to pull up, around, and then back in. Stay well clear of the ramp when parking.
Parking is tight since the lake is so high, please move your vehicle from the spill way once you have unloaded your gear. Be considerate of folks who need to unload, back a trailer, etc.
Fishing has been hot, with fly rods out fishing bait six to one. The lake is off color and motion and flash seems to be the ticket. If you are a spin caster consider the ole Pistol Pete and water bobber technique. Boat anglers as always are having more consistent luck, on larger fish. Fish this week seemed to range from 10-19”.
The South Boat ramp at Stone Lake is underwater for the first time in well as long as I have been here. What a great thing that is. Let’s keep the rain coming.
May 4th is the 13TH Annual Derby, if you are joining us, we look forward to seeing you out there! If you wanted the lake to yourself that day I would consider another weekend or another lake…
Good Luck out there!
Weather Changes
It was spring for a quick second, and then it snowed. Not much snow and none of it accumulated but it feels like the temperature over the last two days has dropped 25 degrees, and the wind has been horrific.
I have only received a few reports, all indicated easy trout catches from shore 12-16” on spinners, bait, and spoons. The water temperature today is 47 degrees, so still very cold. The catfish bite has been amazing at the inflow area of Mundo with the local fishermen hauling in cats up to 24”, but they have say the old adage is true “you should have been here yesterday” as the bite seems to be slowing down.
The Fish Crew will be putting out the docks as soon as the weather allows. We are hoping next week the weather clears and lets us get out in the field. High wind and dock construction do not go together.
Mundo Lake is at the spill way and only two feet of the ramp is exposed. Please use caution in the area! I went to take the dangerous ice sign down and had to put on my waders. The sign is in knee deep water. The dead tree snag on the dam is total submerged. Awesome winter, brings awesome water!
Fishing Derby Update
13TH Annual Jicarilla Fishing Derby: Rules and Regulations
$30 per angler (13 & over)
$10 per youth angler (12 & under)
This Year’s Derby will be held at Mundo Lake
All other 2019-2020 Jicarilla Proclamation Rules and Regulations Also Enforced!
General Derby Rules (valid May 4th 2019 ONLY!)
- Jicarilla Game and Fish employees will be patrolling the Lakes, and have the authority to disqualify and cite any contestant for breaking the Jicarilla fishing regulations or tournament rules.
- Every contestant must have their own separate stringer/creel of fish. Sharing or combining fish will not be tolerated and will result in immediate disqualification. All of the involved parties will stop fishing for the day (once a fish is caught, place in appropriate contestant’s creel or stringer immediately).
- Registration starts at 7:30am on the Mundo Lake Spillway. Cash Only for registration correct change is appreciated!
- Tournament fishing hours are from 8:30am to 3:30pm. Anglers may prepare to fish (launch boats, set-up, etc.) but cannot drop a line until the starting siren/gun has been sounded.
- One Pole per angler
- All fish must be turned in at the check-in station beginning at 3:30pm at the Mundo Lake Spillway. All fish must be checked-in by 4:00pm in order to qualify for prizes. No exceptions!
- Contestants must treat each other and the Jicarilla Nation with respect and civility. Harassment, littering, vandalism are grounds for disqualification/citation. If cheating is suspected, please locate a Jicarilla Game and Fish employee to investigate. DO NOT confront another contestant if cheating is suspected. Please respect other anglers and their families, refrain from profane language and behavior.
- Prizes are awarded based on total weight of a legal bag limit (measured by an approved Jicarilla Game & Fish Representative). Categorizes for Trout, Bluegill, and Catfish will be awarded prizes, there will also be youth divisions.
- Legal bag limits are as follows Trout (5), Bluegill (10), and Catfish (25).
- Bait Fishing is allowed at Mundo Lake in accordance with the 2019-2020 Fishing Proclamation (no fish pieces, fish/minnows, or amphibians allowed (please see 2019-2020 proclamation of complete list of applicable regulations)
- Tiger Musky will not be included in this year’s Derby. Excessive handling/weighing could cause unwanted stress, thus, if a Tiger Musky is caught at Mundo Lake, please return it to the water as soon as possible to reduce stress and potential mortality.
- Derby Registration allows anglers to fish during the duration of the Derby, to fish after the derby hours anglers will need a valid Jicarilla Fishing Permit
02 April 2019
Just a quick update:
I took a drive today and wanted to report back that Mundo Lake is at the spillway and still gaining water. Please exercise extreme caution in the parking lot area, if the spillway is wet, please do not try and drive to the spillway instead walk from the road. The lake is slightly off color from run off.
Embom lake is spilling over and the road is very sloppy.
Stone lake is getting a much needed steady inflow of water from Elk Stream and is rising.
All the roads have wet areas and are rutted. We will get the roads crew to grade the roads once the threat of snow is over.
Fishing sounds like it is doing very well for those getting out early.
April 1st 2019
Happy April Fools Day!
No jokes from the Fisheries Crew this year, but some good news on the lake conditions.
Ice is gone from Mundo, and we are getting quite a bit of Inflow, which is AWESOME! Folks have been catfishing at the inflow area and doing very well. The lake is off color near the inflow due to all the run off. It snowed yesterday so winter is still trying to hang on.
Hope all is well!
14 March 2019
No real news, no open water yet, and ice fishing season is over. I just wanted to give an update on the weather. It has been raining, and it has been snowing. Which is excellent news for the lakes and rivers. After last year’s horrific drought getting a reprieve is a prayer answered. Now I’m not much of a fortune teller but all three lakes (Mundo, Embom, and Stone) are already receiving inflow after rain-on-snow events over the last week. If we can continue to reap the benefits of “Bomb Cyclones” and good old fashion spring storms it should be a very good spring!
Hope all is well,
Based on all the phone calls from anglers it has become apparent some of you are chomping at the bit to wet a line. Currently Mundo Lake has about 20 feet of open water around the south side of the lake. I think the remaining ice sheet is deteriorating quickly but it might take two more weeks to break up significantly with the current weather conditions. Obviously rain or high winds could accelerate the break up. I will be out of the office on business travel next week but will update when new information becomes available.
After the warm weekend and early snow run off the ice sheet has turned to 18" of slush. Due to safety concerns the Department has decided to close the lakes to ice fishing for the rest of the season. This was the longest most productive ice season since I have been here (6 years). So there is alot to be happy about, winter just can't last forever (thank goodness for soft water fishermen like myself).
I will keep the blog updated with conditions as the lake opens up and spring fishing begins. New permit season begins April 1st and the new proclamation is already uploaded to the website.
The Fishing Derby will be held May 4th so get it on your calendars, we are working to get it all set up so I'll post updates as we get further along in the process!
New Website
If you are reading this it means the new Jicarilla Game & Fish Website is live. It has taken quite a bit of work to update the website and we hope to share even more improvements and updates in the near future. All of your old favorites including the updated Fishing Proclamation and of course the Fish Blog will continue to be updated with the most current fishing conditions. Look around and enjoy!