Fishing the Jicarilla
Prolonged drought conditions in the southwest have seriously affected the Jicarilla fishing lakes and decreased opportunities for fishermen. There are 7 fishing lakes ranging in size from 35-500 acres, when full. Two of these lakes, Hayden Lake and La Jara Lake are currently dry and Dulce and Horse Lake have extremely low water and have not been stocked. The three lakes stocked for the 2022-2023 fishing season are Stone Lake, Mundo Lake, Enbom Lake. Four lakes are not currently able to receive fish these include Dulce, Horse, Hayden, and La Jara. Please see the current fishing report under the fishing blog section of the fishing menu!
Mundo Lake
Mundo Lake, located 4 miles south of Dulce, is managed for the maximum public fishing opportunity. Mundo is stocked with Rainbow Trout, and Channel Catfish, and is easily fished from shore, small boats, and float tubes. Four floating docks anchored around the lake offer a great way to avoid weeds during summer months. Mundo Lake is stocked more often, and more heavily than the other reservation lakes. Fishing action tends to be great at Mundo, though fish tend to be somewhat smaller, due to the rapid turnover of fish and competition amongst the various species. Mundo Lake is home to Rainbow Trout, Channel Catfish, Largemouth Bass, Bluegill, and most recently Tiger Musky. The addition of Tiger musky is intended to help us control rapidly expanding populations of Bluegill and Bass. At our most recent survey, the largest Tiger Musky was 49.5" and nearly 20 pounds. Mundo Lake has something for everyone and is great for ice fishing too!
Enbom Lake
Enbom Lake, at approximately 30 acres, is the smallest lake on the reservation. This is a picturesque lake along the Continental Divide, which is stocked multiple times each year. It provides good fishing during spring and early summer, and again in fall as water temperatures cool.
Navajo River
The Navajo River is another fishery open to both tribal and nontribal anglers. The Navajo River is a tributary to the San Juan River and there are approximately 12 miles of stream on the reservation. The Jicarilla Game and Fish Department has been working on habitat restoration in the Navajo River to protect three rare native fish species, but the fishing for Brown Trout and Rainbow Trout can be excellent! The Navajo River is quite beautiful and there are several primitive campsites along it's banks.
Stone Lake
Stone Lake, located 18 miles south of Dulce has a history of producing huge rainbow trout, up to 10 pounds. Stone is managed as a trophy fishery, where only artificial flies and lures, with barbless hooks, are permitted. Stone is most easily fished from small boats and float tubes. Stone Lake is an extremely productive fishery with an unbelievable diversity and abundance of aquatic invertebrates. Tiger salamanders and Fathead Minnows also contribute to trout diets in this lake and growth rates of 2 inches per month have been recorded at Stone Lake. Stone Lake is perhaps our most challenging fishery, but the payoff can be huge!!!
Horse Lake
Horse Lake is located approximately 2.5 miles east of Enbom Lake on Road J-14. Access to Horse Lake is weather dependent, since the dirt road can become impassable when wet (very quickly). Horse Lake is stocked each spring with Rainbow Trout, and can provide good fishing through the summer. Horse Lake is prone to winterkill; however, when fish do survive through winter, the spring fishing for large rainbows can be spectacular. In recent years, Horse Lake has not survived the winter and fishing has been poor.
Dulce Lake
Dulce Lake was drained to repair the dam in the late 90's and never refilled. In 2010, despite very low water levels, the Jicarilla Game and Fish Department began stocking Dulce Lake again. The result was a tremendous seasonal fishery with excellent Rainbow Trout fishing in the Spring, Summer, Fall, and into Ice season. Growth rates at Dulce Lake are fantastic. Dulce Lake is still very shallow and weeds are constantly an issue so please be prepared for weeds and if possible bring a small boat or float tube that will allow you to get out and hit the potholes in the weed beds.
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2025-2026 Hunting and Fishing Proclamations HAVE BEEN RELEASED
NTM Over-The-Counter Hunt Application
2025-2026 Hunting and Fishing Season Begins April 1st, 2025
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This ban will remain in effect until otherwise noted.